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  1. #1
    rissinite's Avatar
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    Amount of Fat/Day in a CKD/Low Carb Diet?

    How much fat can one consume on a CKD/ day while in ketosis if you ingest around 200-250 g of Protein per day? I know the CKD and Ketosis diets aren't the best, but I've had success with them in the past, as my body responds well to this diet. I've hit a stalling point after 5 weeks, and just was concerned about my fat intake. Thanks

  2. #2
    rissinite's Avatar
    rissinite is offline Associate Member
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    HaHaHa.... had a feeling this question might go unanswered.... you guys hate carb do I, but like I said, for me it's a necessary evil

  3. #3
    bad_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    HaHaHa.... had a feeling this question might go unanswered.... you guys hate carb do I, but like I said, for me it's a necessary evil
    Why is it necessary?

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    What I also don't get in addition to bad_man's response, is if you have used CKD's before, then surely you know how to set one up in regards to fat/pro/etc.



  5. #5
    LAW's Avatar
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    I started the cdk on Monday and it took me 3 days to hit 40 ketosis, moderate. I didn't realize that i couldn't drink diet soda. Once i stopped i got to moderate right away. I believe, although im new to this diet , 75%fat,25%protein,10g carbs. I also read somewhere on this forum that there is something that helps you get into ketosis faster, i need to find it again. There has been such a remarkable difference in my body, when i wake up i think im someone else. lol and that' only been 6 days. As a woman our body hates to give up fat so im looking forward to journal my progress.
    I believe you can only stay in Ketosis for a couple of weeks. I will research this but if anyone has the answer, please advise me. Thanks

  6. #6
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Multiply your protein intake in grams by 4. Subtract this from your maintenance caloric needs. Divide the difference by 9. The quotient is your fat per day in grams.

    I hope that you are doing a CKD.

  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    I started the cdk on Monday and it took me 3 days to hit 40 ketosis, moderate. I didn't realize that i couldn't drink diet soda. Once i stopped i got to moderate right away. I believe, although im new to this diet , 75%fat,25%protein,10g carbs. I also read somewhere on this forum that there is something that helps you get into ketosis faster, i need to find it again. There has been such a remarkable difference in my body, when i wake up i think im someone else. lol and that' only been 6 days. As a woman our body hates to give up fat so im looking forward to journal my progress.
    I believe you can only stay in Ketosis for a couple of weeks. I will research this but if anyone has the answer, please advise me. Thanks
    Good for you!

    Realize that in the initial week or two, the new "look" is your body depleted of a ton of water. So, it's basically water loss, as the ketosis state has not yet been implemented long enough to showcase actual adipose tissue loss.

    If you were to carb up again, or cheat out of control, you'd see some crazy sh*t you wouldn't like.

    The items that I know of to get you into ketosis faster are ALA and Vanadyl Sulfate. Be careful w/the VS, as the ones I took came in 5 mgs. and 50 mgs.
    I took the 50's in a dose that I thought were meant for 50's, but were meant for 5's, and the sh*t wasn't pretty! Use them carefully, as they will make your blood sugar plummet if you take too many or use them too quickly.


  8. #8
    LAW's Avatar
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    i didn't know that the first two weeks were just water weight. Bummer. I don't intend on cheating but thanks for the warning i will keep on my toes with this diet.
    Since i am using flaxseed capsuls for my essential fat can i take an unlimited amount?
    Will it take weeks to burn fat even if your in Ketosis? Thanks

  9. #9
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    I started the cdk on Monday and it took me 3 days to hit 40 ketosis, moderate. I didn't realize that i couldn't drink diet soda. Once i stopped i got to moderate right away. I believe, although im new to this diet , 75%fat,25%protein,10g carbs. I also read somewhere on this forum that there is something that helps you get into ketosis faster, i need to find it again. There has been such a remarkable difference in my body, when i wake up i think im someone else. lol and that' only been 6 days. As a woman our body hates to give up fat so im looking forward to journal my progress.
    I believe you can only stay in Ketosis for a couple of weeks. I will research this but if anyone has the answer, please advise me. Thanks

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  10. #10
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    How much fat can one consume on a CKD/ day while in ketosis if you ingest around 200-250 g of Protein per day? I know the CKD and Ketosis diets aren't the best, but I've had success with them in the past, as my body responds well to this diet. I've hit a stalling point after 5 weeks, and just was concerned about my fat intake. Thanks

    Blood ketone levels peak by week three.

    Your fat intake is ony a concern if you are eating more calories than it takes to maintain your bodymass.

    Do the math by using the Harris Benedict Formula

    Calculate exactly how many calories you are consuming per day and ensure that it is below your caloric needs by 250-500 calories.

    40mg/dl by day three is fast. You don't need to drop any more from there. Assuming that you are testing for your ketone levels with a strip, you will know whether or not you are in ketosis. Ketosis can be easily maintained at 85mg/dl blood glucose.

    I suggest you buy a copy of The Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner, by Lyle Mcdonald.

    If the ketogenic diet is what is best suited for your goals, than you should get the best information on the subject.

    There isn't very much good and reliable information about that method of dieting on bodybuilding sites.

    The ketogenic diet is not very popular in the bodybuilding community in part due to misinformation, lack of education, and closed-mindedness, and also to legitimate concerns about it's alignment with our goals.

    During starvation the body continues to maintain a steady blood glucose level of about 85mg/dl so that the brain may continue to function.

    Although with ketosis a decrease in cortisol and an increase in growth hormone production are noted, the the body cannot go through the typical glucose-related adaptations to anaerobic exercise.

    In summary, if you are interested in maintaining increases in lean body mass that you have previously achieved in the gym, than a long term ketogenic diet may not be for you.
    Last edited by inheritmylife; 04-10-2005 at 09:53 PM.

  11. #11
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    i didn't know that the first two weeks were just water weight. Bummer. I don't intend on cheating but thanks for the warning i will keep on my toes with this diet.
    Since i am using flaxseed capsuls for my essential fat can i take an unlimited amount?
    Will it take weeks to burn fat even if your in Ketosis? Thanks

    If by unlimited you mean infinite calories, no. Sorry.

    You need to burn more calories than you consume. To my knowlege there is no diet that has violated the basic laws of thermodynamics.

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