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Here it is bro:
Empty stomach cardio- 30-1hr
keep MHR% around 65% +-5%
Meals 1- 40g/protein
1 Tablespoon of flax
Omit Carbs in first meal if you eat w/in 40min of cardio to prolong state of lipolysis. Eggwhites best choice IMO for early morning protein maybe 10 or so w/ 1 real egg
Meal 2-3- 40g/protein
20g/ low gi carbs
Try to include green veggies w/ each meal i.e. Asparagus, Broccolie, Romain Lettuce...
PreWorkout Meal is IMPORTANT i rec maybe 30-40gWhey protein shake w/ some Chopped Oats(put oatmeal in blender chop it up real good mix w/ protein shake) and 1/3tbs of Flax w/ shake 45min before lifting. fat is optional just makes me feel like i stay out of a catabolic state while lifting
PWO Shake: 40g protein/ 50g carbs up carbs to 70-80g w/ shake preferably dextrose if possible or a mix of dex/maltodex 50/50%
PPWO meal: 40g protien
25g/ low gi carbs
up your carb intake and prefer a high GI like Rice/Yam to aid in protein synthesis.
Before bed: Isopure shake, 0 g of carbs, 40g of protein
add 1tbs flax to this meal to keep protein in system longer. Use real food I.E. Tuna/Turkey for this one need something stay a lil longer in system than a shake unless its Casein Protein SHake.
What do you thinK??