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Thread: My diet sucks, Does diet play a role in recovery? Soreness??

  1. #1

    My diet sucks, Does diet play a role in recovery? Soreness??

    Here is a post I posted about in the workout section

    I started biking about 3 months ago, I was 194lbs at the time. Since then I really started to get into it, headphones heart monitor and all.. Now 3 months later I am doing about 45 minutes in the morning with a heart rate of about 155 average ( 25 years old ) and an hour at night with the same HR. Been eating pretty healthy, although I need a diet plan ( Will post in that section too )

    I am now about 168lbs.. Don't get me wrong, I look awesome I love the way I feel and look, my love handles are almost gone and my vein in my bicep is almost out, I feel to be ripped though I will be about 155 which is WAYYY to light!!!

    I want to slow my weight loss down allot, but I love to bike so much.. going through a break up with my G/F biking is the only way to get some stress out.

    I do workout pretty heavy on M-W-F

    My workout is like this, please let me know if I should change anything..

    Pull ups 2x12 ( 3 months ago I was doing 2x4 )
    Seated rows 4x10 4x10 4x8 4x6
    Stiff dead lifts ( super light ) 3x10 3x10 3x10
    Dumbell rows 4x12 4x10 4x8 4x6
    Barbell curs 4x10 4x10 4x8 4x6

    Flat bench barbell 4 sets, first 2 are a warm up with 135 x10 the second two are 205x6 and 225x3 ( got very week from losing this much weight )
    Incline dumbell 3x8 3x6 3x4 going to 80's on the last set
    Dips 3x12
    Tricep pull downs 4x10 4x10 4x8 4x6
    Dumbell flys 2x8 2x8 superseted with over head tricep 2x8 2x8

    Over head push presses 4x10 4x10 4x8 4x6
    Than I do barbell lifts up to my chin ( for sholders ) 4x10 4x10 4x8 4x6
    Lat. raises with dumbells 3x8 3x8 3x8

    Obviously you guys see no legs here, and I know I need to do them, but my body for some reason GETS SO **** SORE.. For example EVEN if I don't do this much cardio because I do skip the morning cardio sometimes My legs ARE SORE 24x7, ALL THE TIME!! The bike kicks the crap out of them.. I would loveto throw squats in there, but I can promise you all if I do, I will not be able to do ANYCARDIO at all.. I get and stay sore for atleast a week after squating ( and yes I used to do it all the time so my body was used to it )
    It sucks because I cannot NOT NOT! get sore, on any part of my body ( I wonder if diet has a role in this )

    So that's it boys, any input you wanna tell me??

    Here is my crappy diet.

    I usually don't eat right after my cardio in the morning, I drink a shake sometimes but usually not.
    I eat maybe 4 meals a day being chicken, turkey burgers, brown rice, sashimi, steak ( lean )..

    I know I need to eat more, I am getting almost nothing for calories and usually eat almost no carbs.. I am cutting right now, but scared I am losing WAYYY to much muscle!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    What's a rusty trombone?
    You spent a whole page listing your workout routine, and two crappy sentences describing your diet?

    Come on, dude. How about a little effort?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bad_man
    You spent a whole page listing your workout routine, and two crappy sentences describing your diet?

    Come on, dude. How about a little effort?

    LOL! Did you read it?? It's pethetic I know.. But that's it really..

    I woke up at 9am today did 45min. of cardio and had a shake and oatmeal so far. That's it. Its now 1pm and about to eat a yogurt..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    What's a rusty trombone?
    Read the bulking sticky at the top of the forum, blah, blah, blah.......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    What's a rusty trombone?
    And there will always be some soreness after working out. If this was easy, everyone would be doing it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331
    My diet sucks, Does diet play a role in recovery? Soreness??
    Diet plays a HUGE role in recovery. Your body cannot grow without the nutritional materials to do so.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Diet is the most Important thing. Its numero uno!

  8. #8
    ok so I am now home making a (BIG) chicken breast, brown rice, and flax oil..

    Pretty good??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    CT *Formerly Buff_Daddy*
    Quote Originally Posted by bad_man
    Read the bulking sticky at the top of the forum, blah, blah, blah.......
    I am 100% with badman on this bro..Have you took his advice and read the bulking sticky? It will give you a baseline on how/what to eat then you can post up your diet after you configure your diet...try to include the times you will be eating as well... We will be able to better assit you at that point bro.....good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    CT *Formerly Buff_Daddy*
    p.s. if you are cutting then read the cutting sticky...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat


    My good buddy

    Is a baked potatoe good while cutting?? Plain with spray butter??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331
    I am cutting right now, but scared I am losing WAYYY to much muscle!
    I'm sure you are...

    Check out the cutting sticky, it is a great tool.

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