I am a bodybuilder by hobby and have been playing with numerous diets.. I read all sorts of different diets and wondered if someone could help me sort out the real deal vs. the smoke clouds? so many of the diets I find are written by pros on the crank and hard to believe.. others are written by supplement companies whom try to sell you their goods. Maybe I just need a diet designed and explained??? that would be great....I cant afford to pay a nutrionist..any advise? I would like to jsut know what I need to eat, how much and why at certain times..for my body. Right now I eat very clean....egg whites, tuna, lean beef, chicken, potatoes, oatmeal. veggies. and a little bread... generally I eat a fist full of each and it seems to work... 5-6 times a day..some meals I sub in a myoplex shake... I really want to optimize my intake of protein, carbs, fats, vitamins etc.. to optimize growth.
Others talk about different carbs,,.and when to load and not take???? ie) simple vs. complex...kinda confuses me.
What about supplements? i have tried a few but there is so much BS out there..how to tell what works etc........ its just so hard to understand....
... anyone help?????
I am 25 yrs old
185 lbs.
lean......lower body fat say 12-14 %? no exactly sure.
I weight train 5 times a week, do cardio usualy 2 times a week...either stepper, treadmill or hockey. been weight training for about 13 years.
Any advise, links would be much appreciated!! please...thanks in advance.