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Thread: eating at night while cutting

  1. #1

    eating at night while cutting

    I am currently about 3 weeks into cutting phase, I'm dropping carbs to about 100-150 a day and taking ephedra, glutamine and ZMA. I was wondering what you guys ate during the night time? I usually drop carbs way low at night (no more than like 5 or 6 per meal) and they are only from veggies or salads.
    Also I would like to know if broccoli is a good choice to eat late. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    BC, Canada
    staying up late is the worst for cutting eh? i start to crave food badly at like 10 - 11 at night, when i know that i will not be doing anything active.

    if you cant stop yourself, my fave "foods" at night are tuna salad, light mayo and celery, tea, or simply going and brushing my teeth :P

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    personally, i am on a very similar type of diet. around 100-150g carbs per day, upped the cardio a lot. at night i would have pure protein sources only eg. chicken strips which I made earlier in the day, fish kebabs which I also prepare, cottage. I always try and make a bit extra of protein source during the day cause I know i will need something to snack on or have as a protein only meal @ night. I usually go to sleep at about 12, and my last carb meal is normally between 7 and 8.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    You should have some sort of Fiberous veggie with your night protein meal. It will help in digesting the protein you ingested. Unless you just opt for a protein shake. I usually have a chicken breast with some brocoli, or ground sirloin w/ brocoli, or a protein shake with Flax, and a couple bites of cottage cheese.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Eating in the middle of the night is not bad while cutting. An eight hour fast is a long time to be without protien consumption. I mix up a Isopure meal replacement for about 2-3am. Zero fat, sugars are extremely minimal, and the carbs are low.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Pheedno is right, you are trying to cut FAT, not muscle. Just cuz you are sleeping doesn't mean you don't need protein. However, I would take in some sort of slow-release protein such as casein, egg, time-release whey, or maybe just a handful of aminos and 10g of glutamine.

    Before bed, like in my 'lazy hours'... 9pm-1or2am...I eat chicken, steak, eggs, or some lean protein with some veggies...If i crave something sweet...sugar free jello like a mofo.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the input guys. I usually have some spinach or a salad late before 10pm. But afterward I don't eat any veggies or anything just a can of tuna or something then some egg whites for when I wake up in the middle of the night.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Do you drink egg whites straight? Or do you that egg beater stuff?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    don't forget that some unsaturated fat will help you more than it will hurt you regardless of being in a cutting or bulking stage.. peanuts are a good source.

    Broccoli in high servings can also help raise your test to estrogen level (slightly), prolly won't notice it but it won't hurt.

  10. #10
    I don't think I eat enough broccoli to raise estrogen but that's good to keep in mind. I agree with you that peanuts are a good source of fats, I eat a handful every day. I don't drink egg whites PapaPump I hard boil them, put them into a sealed container, store them in the fridge and when I wake up I eat, and go right back to sleep.

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