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Thread: I decided not to juice!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    I decided not to juice!!!

    yep i will be back in the fitness forum from now on b/c i am gonna go natty for a while longer and try to get up to around 230 lbs 8% bf before this time next year and then take my first cycle. Now my diet will have to be perfect since i will not be juicing. I am 208 @ 8% right now and i am going to start a lean bulk phase throughout the summer. I want to end up around 220 @ 10 % or so by fall next year.

    My diet will look something like this
    cardio on empty for 40 minutes

    Meal 1: 10 egg whites/ 1 scoop whey/ 1 1/2 cups oats
    meal 2: 8-10 ounce of hamburger meat/ green veggies/flax
    meal 3: Chicken breast 1 and a half cups brown rice
    Meal 4: 2 cans tuna/ mayo
    workout 1 hour later
    meal 5: pwo shake
    meal 6: Ppwo servings Chicken breast 1 sweet potatoe
    meal 7: 1 can tuna/ with flax
    meal 8: Casein protein/ with natty peanut butter.

    i will be cardioing alot to keep fat down. Any other tips that would help me achieve my goals would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    HELL YEAH i heard that gear is mass dependent due to something w/ amount of receptor sights... keep lean bulking to ur genetic limitations.. then go all out w/ growth hormones/insulin/gear/breast implants/and synthol!

    Hey do you think 1 sweet tater is enuff carbs ppwo?!
    pwo shake value around 1gPro*.25 Lean Body mass?
    Maybe FLax pre bed time instead of peanut butter? flax > PB for fatty acid purposes
    what does fitday say ur macro/kcal values are at.. are they right on point?
    i sorry i ramble.
    as long as you are eating super clean and periodically and stay +-500 kCals of your daily expenditure and keep REALLY LIGHT Cardio every other morning you should be gold

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Yea i think that one sweet tater has almost as much carbs as 1/2 cup of brown rice, but i am not 100%sure b/c fitday doesnt have what i need. Yea these macro values should be more than enough for me. I love Natty Peanut butter that is why i use it for my last meal, but i will try and start replacing it with flax.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by getbig888
    Yea i think that one sweet tater has almost as much carbs as 1/2 cup of brown rice, but i am not 100%sure b/c fitday doesnt have what i need. Yea these macro values should be more than enough for me. I love Natty Peanut butter that is why i use it for my last meal, but i will try and start replacing it with flax.
    i believe for your body weight you would be good to go w/ say 60carbs minimum. for ppwo
    im not much bigger.. and i do 55/75 pro/carb ppwo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    alright i will try and get down 2 sweet taters then

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