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Thread: I am now called a protein Master at my gymm read why

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Staten ISland NY

    I am now called a protein Master at my gymm read why

    I recently got a job at my local atlas gym. I am a protein master is what they all call me lol.......I make everyones shakes. i work 6 in the morning till 7 then 6 till 9. we have almost every known brand of shake and a couple of sweeteners and tons of toppings and additives. I made a whole menu plus a custom price list. Its great i get 6 an hour plus i get tips. i can make any shake taste decent any one...i make diet ones to weight gainers... i even have crushed up ephedrene and caffeine to throw in and creatine. most other aminos. most shakes on my menu run from as cheap as 2.00 to like 6 dollars and most additions are like 50 cents...anyone want some recipes for some powders just ask me ill tell you some great ones

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    postworkout meal for a 180lb person who is maintaining (keeping/slowly adding muscle, slowly losing bodyfat, thus not cutting and not bulking )

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Staten ISland NY
    Ok well i would reccomend one of my shakes called Rush
    1 scoop of vp2 whey isolate
    1 scoop of n large
    strawberries or any fruit
    crushed ice
    teaspoon fat free choco syrup
    2 drops of mint extract
    teaspoon peanut butter

    this is probaly the most reccmonded shake i have it tastes good and its great for after a workout and doesnt make you feel bloated and extract supposedly gives the metabolism a boost
    any thing else?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Hey xzoomzx

    I was born and raised on Staten Island. I get back there from Florida about once a year. Shoot me a PM with the exact gym location & I'll come in for a workout and a shake next time I'm in town.

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