Meal 1 – Breakfast – 7:30am
Bowl of oatmeal, 3-scoop weight gainer shake/glutamine(5g) with milk, multi-vitamin.
Will also fit in a 60g creatine shake. Normally I was only taking my creatine after my workout but when I was at a local store he told me to take it twice on work-out days. 1 in morning and 1 after work-out like I was doing.
Meal 2 – 1st Break – 10:00am
Beef Jerky, peanuts, almonds for fats, or something of that sort.
Meal 3 – Lunch - 12:00pm
Two 3oz. chicken and/or turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread.
Meal 4 – 2nd Break – 3:00pm
Last 3oz. chicken and/or turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread.
Meal 5 – Supper – 5-5:30 pm
Supper will always vary so same as last diet, some sort of meat, bread, veggies, etc
Meal 6 - PWO Nutrition
1.25 scoops of whey protein (40g), taurine (1 tps.), creatine (60g)
Meal 7 – Before Bed
3-scoop weight gainer/glutamine(5g) shake, 2 1000mg flax seed oil pills.
I should also add that I am mearly 145lb 6' tall and have lots of trouble gaining weight. I have gained about 10lb already over the first 2-3 months but last 2 months no weights gains, i'm only noticing strenght. I plan on switching to a 4 day work-out instead of a 6 day work-out that was used at a local supplement store and was called the 8 week challenge and there were great results.
Thanks, any other suggestions or am I good to go???