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Thread: Revised Bulking Diet! HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Revised Bulking Diet! HELP

    Meal 1 – Breakfast – 7:30am

    Bowl of oatmeal, 3-scoop weight gainer shake/glutamine(5g) with milk, multi-vitamin.

    Will also fit in a 60g creatine shake. Normally I was only taking my creatine after my workout but when I was at a local store he told me to take it twice on work-out days. 1 in morning and 1 after work-out like I was doing.

    Meal 2 – 1st Break – 10:00am

    Beef Jerky, peanuts, almonds for fats, or something of that sort.

    Meal 3 – Lunch - 12:00pm

    Two 3oz. chicken and/or turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread.

    Meal 4 – 2nd Break – 3:00pm

    Last 3oz. chicken and/or turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread.

    Meal 5 – Supper – 5-5:30 pm

    Supper will always vary so same as last diet, some sort of meat, bread, veggies, etc


    Meal 6 - PWO Nutrition

    1.25 scoops of whey protein (40g), taurine (1 tps.), creatine (60g)

    Meal 7 – Before Bed

    3-scoop weight gainer/glutamine(5g) shake, 2 1000mg flax seed oil pills.

    I should also add that I am mearly 145lb 6' tall and have lots of trouble gaining weight. I have gained about 10lb already over the first 2-3 months but last 2 months no weights gains, i'm only noticing strenght. I plan on switching to a 4 day work-out instead of a 6 day work-out that was used at a local supplement store and was called the 8 week challenge and there were great results.

    Thanks, any other suggestions or am I good to go???
    Last edited by BlackStang; 04-24-2005 at 08:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    What's the content of your "weight gainer"? And what kind of creatine? Doesn't look like your getting enough protein. Did you read the bulking sticky?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Its muscle juice 2544

    4 scoop serving (which is what I am going to change my shakes to now, I thought it was only 2 lol) my bad.

    All these are with milk not water:

    1272 cals, 71g protein, 28g fat, and 184g carbs.

    As for the creatine it is allmax nutrition Krush monohydrate.

    I was also going to add more protein in my pwo nutrition but was told 40g would be enough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    You should probably throw more whole food protein in there, and make sure the carbs in your creatine is dextrose. I think your before bed meal should be whole food pro/fat meal, or a casien shake w/ flax. And most here don't mix carbs and fat as they are in your shake, because an insulin soike combined w/ the intake of fats creates a propensity for fat storage. I'd try to keep the carbs and fats seperate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Well i'm working on getting my appetite up and once I do that I will definatly add in another meal after dinner sometime. I know your not supposed to mix carbs and fat but I am pretty **** skinny so I thought it wouldn't be a bad thing if i did store some fat.

    As for the creatine I was going to buy some dextrose but when I explained what I was doing to one of the guys at a local shop he said that the krush already had the dextrose in it and that I should add the tourine which is what i did.

    Thanks alphaman, any other suggestions?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Adding up amounts of foods would be beneficial... i.e. "bowl" of oatmeal has a database of common foods.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Why would you want to store fat? Even though your small, you should still add lean mass. If you store fat, your gonna end up dieting to lose it, and any extra muscle you gained from the carb/fat combos could go bye bye in the process. One thing that really seems to work for guys like you(and everyone), but especially hard core ectos is squats and deadlifts. Cycle the intensity, and add small poundages through each cycle, acheiving a personal best at the end of each cycle.(strength cycle, that is!)

    Gotta go to my softball game, peace.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Meal 1 – Breakfast – 7:30am

    Bowl of oatmeal, 3-scoop weight gainer shake/glutamine(5g) with milk, multi-vitamin.

    oatmeal: Cals 125, Fat 1, Carb 26, Pro 3. Plus the weight gainer which is stated above.

    total = 1397 cals, Fat 29, Carb 210, Pro 74

    Will also fit in a 60g creatine shake. Normally I was only taking my creatine after my workout but when I was at a local store he told me to take it twice on work-out days. 1 in morning and 1 after work-out like I was doing.

    Meal 2 – 1st Break – 10:00am

    Beef Jerky, peanuts, almonds for fats, or something of that sort.

    6 cubic inch piece of beef jerky:

    Cals 295, Fat 18, Carb 8, Pro 24

    Meal 3 – Lunch - 12:00pm

    Two 3oz. chicken and/or turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread.

    Cals 463, Fat 8, Carb 52, Pro 49

    Meal 4 – 2nd Break – 3:00pm

    Last 3oz. chicken and/or turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread.

    Cals 232, Fat 4, Carb 26, Pro 25

    Meal 5 – Supper – 5-5:30 pm

    Supper will always vary so same as last diet, some sort of meat, bread, veggies, etc. I could give an example of what something might be.


    Meal 6 - PWO Nutrition

    1.25 scoops of whey protein (40g), taurine (1 tps.), creatine (60g)

    Meal 7 – Before Bed

    3-scoop weight gainer/glutamine(5g) shake, 2 1000mg flax seed oil pills.

    Total without dinner:

    Cals 3659, Fat 87, Carb 480, Pro 283

    remember this is witout dinner.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    try to make your meals protein intake constant instead of REAL HIGH low Moderate and all over the place...
    try to obtain more whole grain/slow carbs
    and w/ that diet im seeing some serious ill'advised fat storage about to take place

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Oh I definatly do deadlifts and squats, thats a must.

    Doesn't fat change into muscle?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackStang
    Oh I definatly do deadlifts and squats, thats a must.

    Doesn't fat change into muscle?
    Fat is burned for energy/fuel
    protein you eat is utilized in muscle reconstruction thus creating Quality Mass.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackStang
    Doesn't fat change into muscle?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackStang

    Doesn't fat change into muscle?

    I WISH!!!! This $hit would be easy if that were the case. Just think of it..... Whatever the hell you want to eat and you get huge and ripped!

    If that were true what would be the point of this forum?

    How long have you been squatting/deadlifting? And what were your starting and your current poundages on these lifts?
    Last edited by alphaman; 04-24-2005 at 09:51 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol yah now that you put it that way, that would be a piece of cake.

    Well i've been doing deadlifts and squats for about 4-5 months now. As for poundages I'll have to get back to you on that. I have my work-out writen down, bad memory, but off the top of my head i think 160lb on bowflex, but i could be wrong.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    The Couch
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackStang
    lol yah now that you put it that way, that would be a piece of cake.

    Well i've been doing deadlifts and squats for about 4-5 months now. As for poundages I'll have to get back to you on that. I have my work-out writen down, bad memory, but off the top of my head i think 160lb on bowflex, but i could be wrong.

    Sorry, I couldn't help it! You need to join a gym and hit the free weights. Really.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Had a set of free weights but just got rid of them actually, i guess I should of kept them and added them into my routine.

    Don't have enough time to hit a gym all the time, wish I did. So I thought that would be the next best thing.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackStang
    Had a set of free weights but just got rid of them actually, i guess I should of kept them and added them into my routine.
    Added them? For you to really grow you need to be performing all the basic power movements w/ free weights.(bench presses, squats and deads) .Thats the bottom line dude.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    so you really think that bowflex is nothing compared to free weights? even though it is "free range" of motion or whatever like free weights

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    The Couch
    Post a thread in the workout questions forum asking about it.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Will do but ya back to the diet, besides switch the before bed shake to a pro/fat meal and try to add more whole food protein am I good to go?

    Thanks by the way

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    You should put together a new diet that doesn't mix carbs and fat. Use the bulking sticky and just plug in food that fits the criteria, and that works for you at the same time. The more whole food besides PWO, the better IMO.
    Last edited by alphaman; 04-25-2005 at 08:30 PM.

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