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Thread: my diet sucks

  1. #1

    my diet sucks

    Well I have been working out for a while now without steriods and getting ready to start my next cycle. THe funny thing is I weigh more now than I did last year with out taking any thing yet. I never kept track of what I was eating so I decided to start. I thought I did pretty good today until the numbers where added up. I will continue to keep track of my food intake and try to get them carbs down and protien up.
    I thought I did good today because I really didnt eat that much. I am about 6 ft tall, 195lbs, and about 13 % body fat. I used to have a six pack without flexing, now I flex and its getting harder to see. I am going to try to follow the BMR chart.
    Here is how ****ty I am for the first day. Tommarow I will be going shopping and buying alot of healthier foods.

    Day Calories Protien Fat Carbs
    3 bacon 110 6 9 0
    1 egg 90 6 7 1
    1 bread 60 1 1 10

    2 pizza 540 24 30 44
    1 salad 340 6 28 16

    chicken strips 720 47 33 56

    Protien shake
    pre workout 555 33 9 86
    post 450 32 9 59
    nite time shake 160 40 0 0
    2 white castle 310 15 17 23
    3 slice cheese 180 9 13.5 3

    2 sprite 200 52
    red bull 110 28
    cell tech 1/2 150 37

    Totals 3975 219 156.5 415
    Ratio 0.27 0.19 0.52
    Does any one know if BMR takes into consideration if your juicing?
    I would hate to see the numbers on a bad day considering I thought today was good.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    d@mn that diet is rough. I assume you want to get leaner= tons of veggies, lean meats, complex carbs, and "good" fats.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Wow that diet is horrid, check out the cutting sticky at the top of the diet forum... all you need.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Horrid is my word!

    So is plethora!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Horrid is my word!

    So is plethora!

    lol no one said plethora man, its cool!

    Nice quote next to the "WTF" flag in your signature....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    Yep, def sux.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    lol no one said plethora man, its cool!

    Nice quote next to the "WTF" flag in your signature....
    Yeah, we all know how prop helps you go down stairs!!


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