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Thread: Lean Red Meats

  1. #1

    Lean Red Meats

    When dieting to cut and tone up should I completely stay away from extra-lean ground beef and mnost red meats? I know the odd lean steak is good but what about teh beef and how much?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    Extra Lean Beef is ok, I just finished some Top Sirloin. Just eat the amounts of it that fits your macro's for that meal. . .

  3. #3
    Is there any meats on this list I should avoid or keep to once a week:

    1. Extra lean ground beef
    2. Lean Steaks
    3. Pork (lean pork chops)
    4. Ham
    5. Roast Beef

    Obviously turkey and chicken are the staple of the meats but I need more variety as I used to be on the chicken / tuna forever and I cannot stand the smell of tuna nomore and chicken is getting hard as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    If your toning up for a certain event I would drop the ham just because of the extreme sodium amounts in it but if your just cutting for a few monthes for your own good/health ham is fine just drink up your water.

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