meal 1 - 12:00 6 egg whites, 1/2 cup oats with sugar free syrup (11 sugar alcohol per serving) (36 grams protein)
meal 2 - 3:00 Shake with 1 tablespoon flax (40 grams protein)
meal 3 - Pwo 7ish Protein shake with dex (40 grams protein 80g dex)
meal 4 - ppwo 9ish 1/2 cup oats, 2 chicken breast
meal 5 - before bed 12:30 - Shake with 1 tsp Flax (40 g protein)
Stats - 192Lbs 5'9", 10% body fat. I want to lose body fat but not lose weight. Im also training 5 times a week ( M W F lifting) (T Th Running)
Should i get a 6 meal in there somewhere?