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Thread: Dropping BF% and Diet Help Needed!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Dropping BF% and Diet Help Needed!

    Hey guys...ok well I have decided to come to you for advice on my diet. I am reading everyone's diets that I can here, but I still have some questions.

    I am trying to drop my bf% dramatically for the summer. I am 5'7", 193 right now, at about 18-20% bf. I know I am high, and I hate it! Believe me!

    I am now performing cardio at about 65% for 30 mins in the morning, and 30 mins following my training at night. My friend suggests I eat chicken (or other good lean meats and egg whites), brown rice, and veggies from here on out. I am thinking about doing my first show in Sept.

    My question is, if my meal frequency is good, I eat about every 3 hrs, and I am shooting for 200grams of protein minimally, how many grams of carbs should I shoot for? Is 6 oz. of chicken, 1 cup of rice, and 1 cup of broccoli the perfect meal for us?

    Please help if you can!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by pfgyms
    Hey guys...ok well I have decided to come to you for advice on my diet. I am reading everyone's diets that I can here, but I still have some questions.

    I am trying to drop my bf% dramatically for the summer. I am 5'7", 193 right now, at about 18-20% bf. I know I am high, and I hate it! Believe me!

    I am now performing cardio at about 65% for 30 mins in the morning, and 30 mins following my training at night. My friend suggests I eat chicken (or other good lean meats and egg whites), brown rice, and veggies from here on out. I am thinking about doing my first show in Sept.

    My question is, if my meal frequency is good, I eat about every 3 hrs, and I am shooting for 200grams of protein minimally, how many grams of carbs should I shoot for? Is 6 oz. of chicken, 1 cup of rice, and 1 cup of broccoli the perfect meal for us?

    Please help if you can!!

    check out the cutting sticky, at the top of this forum, it'll give you a good start since it's geared for a 200lbs man like yourself, after trying that out if it;s not working then hit us up again. o ya for the last meal on the cutting sticky i would sub a lean protein with flax instead of a shake with flax.

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