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Thread: Help arrange my meals.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Question Help arrange my meals.......

    First off I would like to say that Im new to this board but not to wieght training, this is by far the best board I have ever found and have already learned alot from you guys, Thanks.
    Ok, heres my deal: Im 5'11" 210# about 13-15% bf have been weight training for 5 yrs., (but not as serious as i am now)just recently fininshed a cycle of test and deca and did pretty well on it. My goals now are to lean out as much as possible, like 8-10% bf and retain or gain lean muscle. Here is my schedule throughout the day and I hope u guys can suggest what to eat and at what times:
    5:00am wake up
    5:15am at gym working out
    6:15am back at home getting ready for work
    7:00am driving to work
    7:35am at work
    12:00 lunch break wich is when i do my cardio 40min walking at 65-70% mhr.
    1:00pm back at work
    5:30pm leaving work
    6:15pm at home
    10:00pm time to sleep

    I am looking for your help since I am now very serious about bodybuilding more than ever before and want to make the right choices.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Switch the cardio and weight times around first and foremost.

    Secondly, check out the "How to Cut" sample educational thread atop the page for general assistance.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    SC, as much as i agree with switching the weights and cardio around I can only do that on 2 days during the week, the other 2-3 days HAVE to stay like i stated. I checked out the sticky and the only thing is where it says "lean protien" what or how much lean protien do i consume? Also, on the days i have to cardio at noon, whats the best arrangement for my meals?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anyone, looking for times to eat based on schedule..

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