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Thread: Loose skin or fat, check my pics. HELP!

  1. #1

    Loose skin or fat, check my pics. HELP!

    I am 6 foot 172 pounds and 31 years old. Always have been fat and got up to 290 and changed my life 3 years ago. Got to 180 and since that time 2 years ago I have been jacking around with bulking cutting, ckd, low carb, carb loading and everything else to get ripped but it will not happen. Morning cardio, weights, hiit cardio, I can do it all and know most everything from eading for the past 3 years. I am about ready to just eat clean but live my life a bigger thicker guy and stop trying this lean bullshit. I feel and look better filled out anyway. I got up to 210 last winter and looked good. Anyway, that is my life summed up, check these pics and give me the hard facts I need to hear so I can have a good life and stop worrying every day and eating 2000 calories for 10 months out of the year, I want to live damn it.I have freinds who are bigger,stronger, fatter, drink beer and have fun and are always in a good mood and I live everyday on the edge of going insane and being in a bad mood, I need some SERIOUS help please. I have bsicly missed the past 2 years of my life becasue of cutting and worried about fat, I want it back, I was happier at being a strong fat ass at around 230 pounds, go figure.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Loose skin bro, don't think anything but surgery can fix that, but it seems to me like there is really a very small amount of fat under that skin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    bro, you gotta find a happy median. Try to look the best you can to your ability and also be happy. For a while I never cheated on my diet and was obsessed, now I cheat when I feel like it and just try to be happy with myself and not try to be perfect.

    The loose skin is typical when someone drops a dramatic amount of weight. I am really not sure what the remedy is for that maybe someone else knows. Another thing you would look a lot better if you got rid of all that hair on chest/stomach. That much hair just makes things look worse. Also try to tan a little will also make things look a lot better.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Skin brutha, it's loose skin.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ye m8 loose the hair you'll look alot better, i personaly hate body hair

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    I feel for ya bro. Am in the same shi**y boat To cut a long and boring story short, i use to weigh about 225lbs at the age of 17 with a bodyfat % probably off the scale (well more like 40%) I was one fat bas*ard!
    I lost well over 90lb in bodyfat over 3 yrs. Most people didnt even recognise me! I dropped to about 130lbs, but bulked back up now. I still have this sh*tty loose skin around my midsection. It ruins my body and any possiblity to see my abs and gets me upset many a time. I am def considering surgery, funds permitting as this may be the only option. Most people say that the loose skin can fix itself over time, but this is only if you are young. Surgery will prob be your only answer.
    (please note: rough calculations. Not 100% about the figures)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    CT *Formerly Buff_Daddy*
    First off let me just say that it is very admirable to see that you took control and lost all of that excess weight. You should, in no way shape or form, think that you look bad because Im sure you are much healthier, and look much better than you did at 290.

    I know what you mean about the on edge thing when your cutting. I feel like that often too but i try to block it out by thinking about how good i am going to look when i reach my goals. It can be a long drawn out road to get where you want to be bro but remember, when you DO get there you will feel like you are on top of the world. That, in itself, makes me happy.

    Good luck to you with whatever you choose and again, congrats on all that bodyfat lost.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ....That is most definitely redundant (loose) skin from your tremendous weight loss. This will NOT correct itself, no matter what you hear from other sources.
    Please consult with a cosmetic surgeon - it is not that invasive to remove it and you will be very happy with the results.
    Oh, and I agree with the others - get rid of the body hair!

  9. #9
    Thanks everyone for the replys. I feel alot better hearing the truth from others. You all have helped a great deal and this borad has helped me alot. I loved being 200 pounds,strong and bigger wearing 34 or so jeans. I will be healthy, lift my ass off and eat healthy when I am hungry. if my clothes get a little tight, I will diet a few weeks. Every one of my friends love the way I look (clothed) when I am 200-210 so I guess I will live there and be happy that I am healthy,alive, and have lost alot of weight. Thanks again.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Excatly bro just stick to it!!!

    Good luck, and stay around, there's lots of good info and motivation on this board

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    long island ny
    i had the same problem lost 98 lbs in about 9 months (not the healthy way) no i learned but i heard surgery can correct that

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    I know a chick who had this from babies, and her husband is in the military. Well, after the last baby, the military is covering a tummy tuck because they are considering it as scar tissue. Maybe your insurance will cover it. I admit it's umlikely, but it's definitely worth a shot.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    This might be your in right here!

    Subj: Re: skin folds

    <<I lost 150 pounds, by myself. I have a lot of extra skin, back problems, and also problems sitting and standing for long periods of time. Dr.'s that I have seen say my problems are not caused by the excess skin. I need a Dr.'s documentation that this surgery is "medically nessary" before my insurance will pay for me to have the skin removed. Can you help me?

    Thank You


    Dr. Bermant responds:

    This should not be construed as medical advice. I am a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.

    Excess skin after weight loss can be a problem. The folds of flesh can cause skin irritation and make hygiene difficult. Sometimes there is enough mass to put a strain on the body. We do such surgery. Having your condition evaluated by someone who treats such redundancies is the best way to find out if a letter of medical necessity would be appropriate. A doctor who has never seen you cannot write such a letter. We only help with these letters on those patients we are going to operate on.

    I hope this information proves of some use. If my office can be of further assistance, please let us know. We can be reached at: (804) 748-7737. My staff and I try to ensure the comfort of our out of town guests during their consultations and procedures.

    Michael Bermant, MD

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ya bro i would talk to some doc's and get surg.. then after they cut it off yall can bake bread with it

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    but i will congratulate u on the great bodyfat loss u have achieved... its great to see u stuck at it.....
    welldone keep up the good work mate.....
    Last edited by collar; 06-15-2005 at 11:07 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Southern California
    I am in the same boat, i cut from 330lbs to 245lbs in 10 months. I did it all naturally too, just insane cardio and dieting, I guess you could say i snapped. BUT i would never even consider taking my shirt off in public at this point. Im bulking on cycle right now and starting to look better.

    The problem with loosing dramatic amounts of fat is that there is usually no foundation of muscle under the fat to fill out your skin. Im 6'4 and as much as i would like to be lean and walk around in Large size tshirts, im starting to accept it would be way cooler to be ripped filling out a XL just as nice.

    Get your PECS,LATS, and SHOULDERS and BIG as possible and that skin will start filling out no problem. Youll always have a little flab, but thats life. not everyone gets arnold genetics.

    Also, it looks like you are a softbody, watery fat type, from personal expeirence, people with this type of body can gain weight whether its fat or muscle EXTREMELY easily.. So hit the weights and hit them hard

    PS - A tummy tuck is the fix, ive looked into it, its about $15,000 and leaves a knarly scar.
    Last edited by Unearth; 06-16-2005 at 08:40 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Skin brutha, it's loose skin.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    yeah it is skin, but congrats on your weight loss. I had alot of skin too. Lost over 100 lbs. I had a beltlipectomy in January which is like an abdominoplasty with a lower body lift. Well worth the pain/recovery & money! I can finally see my abs! Lots of men get this procedure too.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Quote Originally Posted by Meatie*V
    yeah it is skin, but congrats on your weight loss. I had alot of skin too. Lost over 100 lbs. I had a beltlipectomy in January which is like an abdominoplasty with a lower body lift. Well worth the pain/recovery & money! I can finally see my abs! Lots of men get this procedure too.
    Wow, well done!! I have lost around 91lb in bodyfat and i hate the skin around my midsection I would def get it sorted if i had the money.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    Wow, well done!! I have lost around 91lb in bodyfat and i hate the skin around my midsection I would def get it sorted if i had the money.

    You can get a personal loan for great rates. I got some money thru my credit card. I pulled out 5k and my interest rate is 3.99% for life of the balance. But I must make a payment every month in order to keep the great rate.

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