I'm about to do a 12 week cycle of Test E and EQ, i'm looking at shedding bodyfat but also adding lean muscle.
What sort of diet would you guys recommend?
I'm about to do a 12 week cycle of Test E and EQ, i'm looking at shedding bodyfat but also adding lean muscle.
What sort of diet would you guys recommend?
Use the information form the sticky's in the "diet questions" section.
I would suggest this one....
But I would use Test Prop if you are cutting. Alot od people use Test E as a bulker.
I would use test prop but i don't want to inject every other day, plus the only one i can get hold of is 25mg/ml, so thats 4 ml per injection.
Test E/C works great for lean bulking IMHO. It boils down to your diet, and your training.
what are your stats?
22, 6ft, 215lbs about 15% bodyfat, i'm not starting the cycle till august so i'm hoping to be down to 12%.
Well it really all depends on your goals bro. SHAOKAHN is right, Test E may be used as a cutter however your diet and training MUST be in check. Test E just tends to make you hold more water than Prop does.
If you are not already, throw some cardio in with your training. 45min-60min in the morning on an empty stomach greatly contributes to fat loss.
Also, start with the cutting sticky that I posted above. I lost 3% bf in just over a month utilizing the sticky. Its good to see you are not rushing into the cycle without everything in check.
Good luck bro!
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