I'm currently about to start an M1T cycle (and yes everyone in regards to the cycle has been researched and completed), and i just wanted to get some comments and or suggestions in reguards to my diet while doing the cycle...
I am a hardcore ectomorph, i ran this diet in the past and put on about 15 lbs and i seemed to peak off, so now i'm going to run the diet again, sightly modified while i'm on a M1T cycle.
Anyhow here it is.
1. Breakfast 7:30am (Take multivitamins and Zinc with this meal)
- 5 eggs,
- 2 slices of toast
- Yogurt
- Juice or milk
2. Snack 1 - 10:30am
- can of tuna
- An apple
- Protein Shake
3. Lunch - 1:00pm
- Chicken breast
- 1 cup of brown rice
- Some broccoli
4. Snack 2 - 3:00pm (Usually take my EFA's with this one)
- 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with 100% natural peanut butter
- Protein Shake
5. Snack 3 - 5:30pm (PRE WORKOUT)
- 1 Potato, or some Brown Rice and some fruit and vegetables like another apple or orange
* LIFT AT 6:30PM * (snack 3 is my prelift example)
6. Snack 4 - 7:30PM (POST WORKOUT)
- Protein Shake
7. Dinner - 9:00pm
- Either more chicken or some lean meat
- Some veggies and rice
8. Before Bed - 11 or midnight
- Try and down some more protein, either by shake or tuna.
I believe this was something like 3500 cal diet and maybe 300 g of protein... i do not have the numbers right now but i did caluclate it in the past and it was something around there...
So you guys think this diet would be good while on M1T? Comments? Suggestions?