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Thread: My Diet WHILE ON M1T -Comments?

  1. #1

    My Diet WHILE ON M1T -Comments?

    I'm currently about to start an M1T cycle (and yes everyone in regards to the cycle has been researched and completed), and i just wanted to get some comments and or suggestions in reguards to my diet while doing the cycle...

    I am a hardcore ectomorph, i ran this diet in the past and put on about 15 lbs and i seemed to peak off, so now i'm going to run the diet again, sightly modified while i'm on a M1T cycle.

    Anyhow here it is.



    1. Breakfast 7:30am (Take multivitamins and Zinc with this meal)
    - 5 eggs,
    - 2 slices of toast
    - Yogurt
    - Juice or milk

    2. Snack 1 - 10:30am
    - can of tuna
    - An apple
    - Protein Shake

    3. Lunch - 1:00pm
    - Chicken breast
    - 1 cup of brown rice
    - Some broccoli

    4. Snack 2 - 3:00pm (Usually take my EFA's with this one)
    - 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with 100% natural peanut butter
    - Protein Shake

    5. Snack 3 - 5:30pm (PRE WORKOUT)
    - 1 Potato, or some Brown Rice and some fruit and vegetables like another apple or orange

    * LIFT AT 6:30PM * (snack 3 is my prelift example)

    6. Snack 4 - 7:30PM (POST WORKOUT)
    - Protein Shake

    7. Dinner - 9:00pm
    - Either more chicken or some lean meat
    - Some veggies and rice

    8. Before Bed - 11 or midnight
    - Try and down some more protein, either by shake or tuna.


    I believe this was something like 3500 cal diet and maybe 300 g of protein... i do not have the numbers right now but i did caluclate it in the past and it was something around there...

    So you guys think this diet would be good while on M1T? Comments? Suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    meal 5 needs protein
    meal 6 needs dextrose or at least some gatorade.

  3. #3
    Think a shake will do? for meal 5? and isn't dextrose some type of creatine? and why do i need that?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    Quote Originally Posted by frankrom
    Think a shake will do? for meal 5? and isn't dextrose some type of creatine? and why do i need that?

    a protein shake would do, but a can of tuna is better (keep it as natural as possible), Dextrose is NOT creatine, it's corn sugar and u need it right after workout to trigger ur insulin levels which delivers the protein and nutritions to your muscles. so a combination of Dextrose and a shake is very important right after workout (within 30 mins.) in a ratio of 2:1 Dextrose: protein.

  5. #5
    thanks i'll look into it... it wont put further stress on my liver will it? the dextrose that is... because i do not plan on stressing my liver more than what M1T is doing...

    OH the problem with the can of tuna is ... to much tuna = to mcuh murcury... that was the reason why i didn't have the tuna in there... so...
    Last edited by frankrom; 07-10-2005 at 09:12 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by frankrom
    thanks i'll look into it... it wont put further stress on my liver will it? the dextrose that is... because i do not plan on stressing my liver more than what M1T is doing...

    OH the problem with the can of tuna is ... to much tuna = to mcuh murcury... that was the reason why i didn't have the tuna in there... so...
    unless you're a pregnant woman, dont worry about Hg in tuna, you'll be fine, some bros, myself included, down a couple cans a day, some even more...

    dextrose is a sugar, a carb, it is natural, your liver is not in the stickies! IMO, a shake immediately preworkout with carb/pro is optimal, but a solid meal would do just fine (maybe 30 min before)...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    You have fully researched M1T , cycling, and you thought Dextrose was a creatine???

    Be careful bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    yeah...i think it's cuz alot of creatine supps have dex in them...please, please research a lil more...

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