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Thread: Stayinstacked custom competition diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    Stayinstacked custom competition diet

    I have tried many different diets over the past several years, and this is the one that suits me the best, seems like it's almost so effective it's fool proof, and easy to stick to for me as well. The diet is designed for the type of person who is mesomorphic and between 215-240 lbs. I have included diet soda, lowfat yogurt, and cigarettes in the diet. Why may you ask I smoke? I smoke 1 cigarette/day, and the soul purpose is because when your dieting you need something to look forward to other than food, it's like my jump for life each day, BUT ONLY 1. The diet soda is for taste and to fill me up, you'd be damn surprised how good a diet pepsi tastes when your eating so many plain foods. 1 diet pepsi/day usually between last meal at night and bed time. (also feel that the caffiene in it helps burn fat in my sleep) I also drink green tea throughout the day. I mix 4-6 packets in 2 quarts of water and make it my goal to drink it before 12:00a, then my goal is to consume another 2 quarts of water between 12-6, then a half gallon during the workout( walla thats 1.5 gal a day.) after my lift its no more water unless its in a protien recovery shake or my diet pepsi(helps me sleep and keeps me from pissing throughout the night) Another trick to my diet is I rarely mix carbs and fats in the same meal. You want the body to pull from 1 or the other as energy, but both will not give you enough overspill as stored fat used for energy, too much available energy in the form of food. So every other meal is protien/carb or protien/fat, only eception is the last meal of the day which is oats, 10 egg whites, natty pb. My goal is to consume 3 chicken breasts a day, 20 egg whites, 10 w. breakfast, 10 before bed. The rest of my protien is from pb, egg whites, post workout drink(only 1 shake a day) Hope this helps somebody.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    oh yeah, 2 cheat meals/wk and always cheat before 2pm so its not sitting with me till bed time. Sun mornings: pancakes and syrup, and Wed or Thurs its 4 or 5 slices of pizza. This diet is so easy the way its split up like this with cheat meals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Whatever works for you!

    I myself would never eat fat/carbs together, especially in my LAST meal of the day, but like I said, do whatever works for you.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    dude you need to cut the carb fat meal ecspecialy at night and use Flax oil for fats not natty pb because ones day while your eating you will look down and realize you ate the whole jar

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