OK, I have a situation here that I need help answering. This happened to me yesterday.
I got up yesterday morning and did cardio for 60 minutes on an empty stomach.
For the following 3 meals of the day I only had Pro/Fat meals, with the exception of 2 portions of veggies, both were brocoli and one portobello mushroom. This is not normal, I usually have at least 1 pro/carb meal during the day and 2 on weight training days.
After my 3 Pro/Fat meals I was feeling very depleted, tired, cranky, headache etc....which of course I new was normal.
My questions are as follows:
#1 - If carbs are not consumed that day, in theory, are glycogen stores really ever fully replenished?
No glycogen stores are not relensihed without carbs
#2 - If weight training in this state, what is the body most likely going to use as fuel if glycogen stores are low and carbohydrates are normally the first choice? Would my body likely break down body fat for energy? breakdown muscle for energy? or would it just use circulating amino acids and fatty acids from food eaten that day?
It would use a combo of all 3 systems, I doubt you are glycogen depleted as that takes a few days etc....
I know it may be hard to answer this question definitavely and I dont plan on making a habit out of this but I am just wondering what peoples theories are.