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Thread: Question re. Pro/Fat Meals and Weight Training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    In Diet Hell!

    Question re. Pro/Fat Meals and Weight Training

    OK, I have a situation here that I need help answering. This happened to me yesterday.

    I got up yesterday morning and did cardio for 60 minutes on an empty stomach.

    For the following 3 meals of the day I only had Pro/Fat meals, with the exception of 2 portions of veggies, both were brocoli and one portobello mushroom. This is not normal, I usually have at least 1 pro/carb meal during the day and 2 on weight training days.

    After my 3 Pro/Fat meals I was feeling very depleted, tired, cranky, headache etc....which of course I new was normal.

    My questions are as follows:

    #1 - If carbs are not consumed that day, in theory, are glycogen stores really ever fully replenished?

    #2 - If weight training in this state, what is the body most likely going to use as fuel if glycogen stores are low and carbohydrates are normally the first choice? Would my body likely break down body fat for energy? breakdown muscle for energy? or would it just use circulating amino acids and fatty acids from food eaten that day?

    I know it may be hard to answer this question definitavely and I dont plan on making a habit out of this but I am just wondering what peoples theories are.


  2. #2
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    Jun 2004
    In Diet Hell!

    I didn't eat 3 protein fat meals yesterday....shitt I forgot, this is what I ate, there were just no starches.

    Meal 1 - Protein Drink and 1 tbls Udo's Oil (30 minutes after E cardio)

    Meal 2 - Chicked breast, 1/2 cup broccoli, 1 Portobello Mushroom

    Meal 3 - 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 Tbs Natty Peanut Butter, 1/2 cup brocolli

    (this was all I had in my fridge I need to go grocery shopping)

    Then I hit the weights about 2 hours after this meal. Same question applies.

  3. #3
    I don't know if this answers your question or not but from what i understand your glycogen in your muscles should have been replenished after your last weight training session with your post work meals that should have carbs in them, and then your body would be ready for the next weight training session when your glycogen stores are depleted again only to be replenished post work. I hope this helps and hopefully the mack daddy swolecat can elaborate or correct me if i'm wrong!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by phatdog
    I don't know if this answers your question or not but from what i understand your glycogen in your muscles should have been replenished after your last weight training session with your post work meals that should have carbs in them, and then your body would be ready for the next weight training session when your glycogen stores are depleted again only to be replenished post work. I hope this helps and hopefully the mack daddy swolecat can elaborate or correct me if i'm wrong!

    unfortunately no that doesn't answer her question.

    She is asking basically if your glycogen levels are at a low if not minimal level what is next in line to be burnt as an energy source?

    Would it be body fat for energy? breakdown muscle for energy? or would it just use circulating amino acids and fatty acids from food eaten that day?

    but thanks for your comments and time.

    where you at SWOLECATTY?

  5. #5
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    In Diet Hell!
    Quote Originally Posted by phatdog
    I don't know if this answers your question or not but from what i understand your glycogen in your muscles should have been replenished after your last weight training session with your post work meals that should have carbs in them, and then your body would be ready for the next weight training session when your glycogen stores are depleted again only to be replenished post work. I hope this helps and hopefully the mack daddy swolecat can elaborate or correct me if i'm wrong!
    Nope, doesnt answer it but thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    Nope, doesnt answer it but thanks.

    uhhh I just said that...WTF?

    Our beloved brothah from anothah mothah MARAXUS gave this info

    Quote Originally Posted by Maraxus
    #1 - If carbs are not consumed that day, in theory, are glycogen stores really ever fully replenished? Nope

    #2 - If weight training in this state, what is the body most likely going to use as fuel if glycogen stores are low and carbohydrates are normally the first choice? Would my body likely break down body fat for energy? breakdown muscle for energy? or would it just use circulating amino acids and fatty acids from food eaten that day? your body will use fat for fuel, yes the body will break down both fat and muscle for energy, thats why you consume carbs pwo, to replenish, your muscles.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    uhhh I just said that...WTF?

    Our beloved brothah from anothah mothah MARAXUS gave this info

    I know, but I saw your post after I posted. Thanks for the info though.

  8. #8
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    So based on Maraxus' post then my weight training session might have been slightly conterproductive if my body dipped into breaking down muscle for an energy source? Or is he implying that my PWO should have balanced that out?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    OK, I have a situation here that I need help answering. This happened to me yesterday.

    I got up yesterday morning and did cardio for 60 minutes on an empty stomach.

    For the following 3 meals of the day I only had Pro/Fat meals, with the exception of 2 portions of veggies, both were brocoli and one portobello mushroom. This is not normal, I usually have at least 1 pro/carb meal during the day and 2 on weight training days.

    After my 3 Pro/Fat meals I was feeling very depleted, tired, cranky, headache etc....which of course I new was normal.

    My questions are as follows:

    #1 - If carbs are not consumed that day, in theory, are glycogen stores really ever fully replenished?

    No glycogen stores are not relensihed without carbs

    #2 - If weight training in this state, what is the body most likely going to use as fuel if glycogen stores are low and carbohydrates are normally the first choice? Would my body likely break down body fat for energy? breakdown muscle for energy? or would it just use circulating amino acids and fatty acids from food eaten that day?

    It would use a combo of all 3 systems, I doubt you are glycogen depleted as that takes a few days etc....

    I know it may be hard to answer this question definitavely and I dont plan on making a habit out of this but I am just wondering what peoples theories are.

    You likely felt this way because of the lack of carbs and the low blood sugar....As you said you usually have a pro/carb meal, so no worries.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    #1 - If carbs are not consumed that day, in theory, are glycogen stores really ever fully replenished?

    #2 - If weight training in this state, what is the body most likely going to use as fuel if glycogen stores are low and carbohydrates are normally the first choice? Would my body likely break down body fat for energy? breakdown muscle for energy? or would it just use circulating amino acids and fatty acids from food eaten that day?

    I know it may be hard to answer this question definitavely and I dont plan on making a habit out of this but I am just wondering what peoples theories are.

    1) Not necessarily. Your 60 minutes of cardio may have drained your glycogen stores and since you had no sugars/high GI carbs post training, you may have been running on empty my friend, which results directly in a shitty workout and lack of pump. My advice, use your cardi for fat burning only, and use your weight training to maintain LBM while cutting down. What's that all mean? It's fine you're doing your cardio an an empty stomach, but have some Carbs/Sugars before you hit the weights to ensure that; a) You have enough energy to workout and b) you'll get a good pump that will keep you motivated.

    2) Refer back to my previous answer. If your glycogen is used up and you're working out with moderate weights and high reps, your body will resort to muscle for fuel. Muscle is considered a living organism while fat is considered dead. You most likely were using muscle as your fuel. Like I said, save the cardio for your fat burning and utilize the weights as your muscle maintenance by taking down some Pre-Workout Carbs/Sugars.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    In Diet Hell!
    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    1) Not necessarily. Your 60 minutes of cardio may have drained your glycogen stores and since you had no sugars/high GI carbs post training, you may have been running on empty my friend, which results directly in a shitty workout and lack of pump. My advice, use your cardi for fat burning only, and use your weight training to maintain LBM while cutting down. What's that all mean? It's fine you're doing your cardio an an empty stomach, but have some Carbs/Sugars before you hit the weights to ensure that; a) You have enough energy to workout and b) you'll get a good pump that will keep you motivated.

    Yeah, this is what I normally do. I just had an off day yesterday and missed my pro/carb meal. Was just curious as to what the consequences would be if this happened regularly but you guys answered my question as I suspected.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    OK, I have a situation here that I need help answering. This happened to me yesterday.

    I got up yesterday morning and did cardio for 60 minutes on an empty stomach.

    For the following 3 meals of the day I only had Pro/Fat meals, with the exception of 2 portions of veggies, both were brocoli and one portobello mushroom. This is not normal, I usually have at least 1 pro/carb meal during the day and 2 on weight training days.

    After my 3 Pro/Fat meals I was feeling very depleted, tired, cranky, headache etc....which of course I new was normal.

    My questions are as follows:

    #1 - If carbs are not consumed that day, in theory, are glycogen stores really ever fully replenished?

    #2 - If weight training in this state, what is the body most likely going to use as fuel if glycogen stores are low and carbohydrates are normally the first choice? Would my body likely break down body fat for energy? breakdown muscle for energy? or would it just use circulating amino acids and fatty acids from food eaten that day?

    I know it may be hard to answer this question definitavely and I dont plan on making a habit out of this but I am just wondering what peoples theories are.

    #1 - The body has the ability to replenish glycogen stores by breaking down fat and converting it to glycogen. But this happens only when you are resting and never while you are working out with weights. Also the body can replenish glycogen levels by breaking down amino acids from muscle tissue (this is one of the reasons why you lose some muslce when dieting.) But in my opinion glycogen level are never fully restored while dieting (another reason why your muscles shrink, also due to depleted glycogen stores).

    #2 - Even if you are dieting, your body still has some glucose/glycogen available, but if your glycogen levels are too depleted, your body will break down amino acids for energy during workout. Carbs are always the body's first choice for energy when it come to weight training. Amino acids can also be used depending on the availability of glucose/glycogen.

    Unless you are preparing for competition or ultimate definition, I don't see why you whould have only 1 carb meal a day.
    Last edited by icewind; 07-31-2005 at 11:35 PM.

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