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Thread: eating

  1. #1


    how much food should be eaten while on a cycle of deca 400 and primo 300? should i eat even when i am full? any time of day? i know that eating about 6 meals a day is good but how much? i don't want to get fat. i want lean muscle mass. thanks

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    Eat twice your weight (lbs) in protein and eat at about 1.5-2hr intervals (3500-4000cals) dont eat more than 50-60g of proitein in a sitting

    I am moving this over to the diet forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Mike hit the nail on the's really that simple. Oh yeah, try for a ratio of 50/30/20 (carbs/protein/fat) unless you are trying to lose fat...then switch to 40/40/20. Also be sure to drink AT LEAST a gallon of water per day. If you need food ideas do a quick search on this forum. If you need recipes...we have plenty in the recipes thread in the diet forum. Good Luck


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    I would even recommend a little more fat. Especially EFA's cause they will help promote fat loss. I'd play around with it but don't be afraid to try even 30% fat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Could not agree with you more. People are so afraid of fat and carbs now a days, it's like they're either saying..."I can't eat that, it has 1g of fat" or "It has 5 carbs, that's too much". Fat is directly and indirectly anabolic. It holds as an energy reserve once all the carbs and protein for the meal have been used up, and will help keep you in a anabolic state till you get some more food. Flax oil, Natural Peanut butter, and Olive oil are three good oils/fats that should be a part of every BB's diet. Try salmon too....mmm that stuff is good!


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