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Thread: cutter diet Please critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    cutter diet Please critique

    Meal 1 (8 AM)

    1 Sweat potato
    Protein Shake (2 scoops of whey mixed with skim milk)
    1 cup oatmeal Oatmeal

    Meal 2 (10:30 AM)
    Cottage Cheese
    1 cup oatmeal Oatmeal

    Meal 3 (1 PM)
    meal replacment shake 2 table spoons flax oil

    Meal 4 (3 PM)
    4-6 ounces of lean turkey
    2 slices of wheat bread
    Salad ( fiberous greens)

    Meal 5 (6:15 PM)

    200 calories of Efas in a 3:1 ratio of omega 3's-6's
    8 oz Salmon
    Mixed Salad

    Meal 6 (7:30 PM)

    200 calories of Efas in a 3:1 ratio of omega 3's-6's
    Chicken breast
    Mixed Salad

    Bed Time (?)

    meal replacement 2 tablespoons flax oil

    workouts: cardio 5 x /week: 45 min ea. weight traing : 4 x week: moderate weight high reps. m t th f.

    sups: multi vitamin , vitamin c , glutamin E/D

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by GeeOweDee
    Meal 1 (8 AM)

    1 Sweat potato
    Protein Shake (2 scoops of whey mixed with skim milk)
    1 cup oatmeal Oatmeal

    Meal 2 (10:30 AM)
    Cottage Cheese
    1 cup oatmeal Oatmeal

    Meal 3 (1 PM)
    meal replacment shake 2 table spoons flax oil

    Meal 4 (3 PM)
    4-6 ounces of lean turkey
    2 slices of wheat bread
    Salad ( fiberous greens)

    Meal 5 (6:15 PM)

    200 calories of Efas in a 3:1 ratio of omega 3's-6's
    8 oz Salmon
    Mixed Salad

    Meal 6 (7:30 PM)

    200 calories of Efas in a 3:1 ratio of omega 3's-6's
    Chicken breast
    Mixed Salad

    Bed Time (?)

    meal replacement 2 tablespoons flax oil

    workouts: cardio 5 x /week: 45 min ea. weight traing : 4 x week: moderate weight high reps. m t th f.

    sups: multi vitamin , vitamin c , glutamin E/D

    Your first three protein sources are all supplements except for the cottage cheese which more like an accessory protein....Eat some eggs whites if you don't mind them in Meal 1 and get more protein in 2......Some people bloat from dairy (the skim milk and cottage cheese), and your cutting so might want to consider that.....
    After 3, you pretty much have all pro/fat meals...Depending on your workout times, you'd want to get a pro/carb meal after lifting for glyogen restoration-maybe move the sweet potatoe to post workout and add a chicken breast......And overall just a lot of meal replacements/shakes......better off getting more solid meals to metabolize and cut the liquid-replacements.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Phixion
    Your first three protein sources are all supplements except for the cottage cheese which more like an accessory protein....Eat some eggs whites if you don't mind them in Meal 1 and get more protein in 2......Some people bloat from dairy (the skim milk and cottage cheese), and your cutting so might want to consider that.....

    I.c never really thought of that thanks..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    add in your workout time because I dont see a pwo meal or a ppwo meal

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GeeOweDee
    moderate weight high reps. m t th f.

    BOOOOOOOO. You no like your muscle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GeeOweDee
    Meal 1 (8 AM)

    1 Sweat potato
    Protein Shake (2 scoops of whey mixed with skim milk)
    1 cup oatmeal Oatmeal

    Meal 2 (10:30 AM)
    Cottage Cheese
    1 cup oatmeal Oatmeal

    Meal 3 (1 PM)
    meal replacment shake 2 table spoons flax oil

    Meal 4 (3 PM)
    4-6 ounces of lean turkey
    2 slices of wheat bread
    Salad ( fiberous greens)

    Meal 5 (6:15 PM)

    200 calories of Efas in a 3:1 ratio of omega 3's-6's
    8 oz Salmon
    Mixed Salad

    Meal 6 (7:30 PM)

    200 calories of Efas in a 3:1 ratio of omega 3's-6's
    Chicken breast
    Mixed Salad

    Bed Time (?)

    meal replacement 2 tablespoons flax oil

    workouts: cardio 5 x /week: 45 min ea. weight traing : 4 x week: moderate weight high reps. m t th f.

    sups: multi vitamin , vitamin c , glutamin E/D
    Needs work man!!..and stick to heavy weights...rep range 6-9

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by tretch187
    BOOOOOOOO. You no like your muscle?

    Naw just trying to get a more muscle seperated look

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    high reps are good for nothing but a pump or a burn keep the weight heavy ecspecilly while cutting

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