Tommorow will me day 18 without a refeed or cheat. My workout a little while ago went good but I am feeling tired the last few days. My in laws are coming down Thursday for a big Golden Corral buffet get together. Here is my question (which I think I have sked before). If EVERY meal through my training split which covers 11 days is PERFECT which is anywhere from 66-72 meals, how bad is a big buffet blowout at the end of that 11 day cycle going to hurt. I mean damn, I want to be healthy but my friend toady that I have not seen in 3 months told me that it looked like I have aids. I am 6 foot 178 currently and planned on going to around 172-3 ish to finish my cut but do not want to look like a freak. My lifting cycle is upper lower every other day and it starts with reps of 4-6, then 7-9 then finishes with 10-12. It would work out great with a HUGE cheat buffet or day every 11th or 12 th day, what do ya think.