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Thread: Going Away - Any Suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    In Diet Hell!

    Going Away - Any Suggestions

    Hey Guys,

    I'm going away on Monday for 5 days for business. I'll be going to Muskoka (Cottage Country) and I'll be staying at a nice resort however, ALL my meals are planned for me. I'll be in meetings from 8-5 everyday except friday I get to leave at noon. Breakfast and Lunch are buffet and Dinners are set menus.

    Obviously at Breakfast and Lunch I'll be making sound choices that go with my diet as much as possible, dinners I'm pretty sure I'll be able to stick to things like steak or chicken or fish and veggies. But does anyone have any suggestions for food I can bring for in between meals? Keeping in mind I wont have access to a fridge and I can I should cut back on calories as I wont be working out nearly as much.

    So far I'll be brining along, protein powder, nuts and seeds. Cant think of any other dry foods to bring, anyone else think of anything? I know protein bars are easy but they're disgusting and usually full of crap anyway.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Nething in Cans so make sure u drink enough water for all that sodium , Dont they have places where you can buy food from ??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Beef jerky I always take w/me.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    In Diet Hell!
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    Nething in Cans so make sure u drink enough water for all that sodium , Dont they have places where you can buy food from ??
    I guess you've never been to Muskoka before eh? It's absolutely beautiful but totally remote, the nearest town is pretty far and being in meetings from 8-5 daily I wont have much time to drive to the store.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    In Diet Hell!
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Beef jerky I always take w/me.

    Ooh yeah, thats a good one. I forgot that doesnt have to be refrigerated.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SexyKitty
    I guess you've never been to Muskoka before eh? It's absolutely beautiful but totally remote, the nearest town is pretty far and being in meetings from 8-5 daily I wont have much time to drive to the store.
    get oats , and im guessing thats next to alaska so u can get fish , some flax oil , pb , egg white cartons they wont go bad if its cold I think

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    In Diet Hell!
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    get oats , and im guessing thats next to alaska so u can get fish , some flax oil , pb , egg white cartons they wont go bad if its cold I think
    Noooo silly, it's not even near Alaska. It's about 8000km from Alaska if not more! It's in Ontario about 2 hours north of Toronto and in September it's not even remotely cold. It's on a a series of lakes that tons of celebrities buy cottages on, Arnold himself as a 7 million dollar cottage there.

    This is where I'm gonna be staying.

    Either way, I have to stick to non-refrigerated items cause in my room there wont be a fridge and I will need to be able to carry stuff around with me during the day as I go from meeting to meeting. So I'm going to stick with:

    Protein Powder
    Beef/Turkey Jerkey
    Cans of Tuna
    Nuts and Seeds.

    Its really only 4 1/2 days so I think this will due me fine.

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