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Thread: More Carb questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    More Carb questions

    I'm not testing anybody I really want some input. I know what has worked for me in the past but I want to hear from the rest of you. Here's the question...if you want to drop fat and are cutting carbs back to about 200-300g/day when (what time of day) would you eat your last carbs? why?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space
    me personally i would stop around around 6 but 7 tops!
    ill slam a designer protien shake right after my workout and b4 bed. im also trying to slash my bf% really low

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Pete well most will disagree with me, but I was like you playin around with your body. I talked to a body builder and asked his professional opinion, and he suggested I eat all my carbs by 12:00pm. that is noon.. After that it is okay to eat carbs, but very little. Man I can't tell you how much fat and water I lost. I am serious. I had always had problems with my belly, being Italian, and now after I did that, I can count and see my six pack. And I don't do any kind of ab work. Also upped my cardio which helped shread the fat as well. Of course I upped my protein intake too to recover for the loss of carbs. worked like no other thing for me Pete, and I have been trying to get my stomach down for years I am talkin like 10 years. Now I am 30 and have the stomach of a 19 year old. Chicks dig it too. Especially when they ask me how old I am. I tell them 20.. they actually believe me.. haaa Try it man, I mean try cuttin your carbs by noon, eat some after but very little. I think you will be impressed. Of course I was on some fat burners too. that you may want to get a hold of. But man I can't tell you how that worked for me. Try it. I think you will be impressed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Sicilian is right, however, what if you are sedentary, until after noon? It's good for muscle glycogen that way, but some will defintaley spill over into the fat category. Let's you don't work out till 9pm, how will you have any energy if you haven't eaten any since 12. Just keep that in mind. Now if you are a morning person, and get your workout done early, then what Sicilian said applies and will probably work wonders.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Just a thought Pete ... I think 200-300 carbs is not low enough for a fat loss diet. I feel a diet regimen of 60/30/10 is the best program to follow in a precontest prep. of course depending on how much lean muscle mass a person has and their BMR I would say no more than 150 grms a day . I believe that would be around 2k calories or a bit more .... most people may need to drop more calories than that even .

    As far as time to stop eating carbs would be at least 3 hours b4 sleep time . The argument here is that carbs regardless of complex or simple are sugar in the body ( quick calories ) the theory is to stop giving the body the quick calories at a point of relaxation or evening time were most of us are sitting . making the last meal a straight protein like 4 oz chicken breast ,,, Sci fit beef stick ( 60 cal 15 grm protein 1 carb 380 sodium ( ouch )) or protein shake w/water . The body still getting some calories to run deriving by way of a protein supposedly supplying an needed amino stores and forcing the body to utilize fat stores to be used for energy .
    When starting a precontest regimen some BB add evening cardio at night 1-2 hours after this last protein meal, thereby kicking up the fat burning process then morning hitting it again waiting one hour b4 eating after the mornings cardio .... ( The old Cybergenics ideology... )
    A Trade secret told to me by Craig Titus last weekend was
    regarding the question I rose regarding going catabolic and burning muscle instead of the intended fat . He stated taking Glutamine right before sleeping on an empty stomach works wonders from going catabolic.... I as of yet have not tried this yet , but sounded interesting..... Hope this helps.... Good luck everyone....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Thanks for the compliment poppa, I didn't mean cut out all carbs, just limit what you take. But like you said, if you work out late at night as most of us do, then I usually take a Gatoraid or a something with some quick energy to get my workouts going, with the fact knowing that I will burn them off with my workout. Also Cardio is a big thing here to burn fat. If you do cardio, (I started running since volleyball season is over), that is the only cardio I can stand. Then I had a problem with that, so I went out and made a 60 dollar invest ment in a CD player, put some jammin songs on a CD and ran away..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    I saw your diet in another post...And it looks good to me with the possible exception of the pineapples in the late evening.

    I did the same for a while but couldn't get it right! So I stopped all carbs after 12:00(Noon) and it works! Not easy though, but it worked for me. I'm getting ready to hit the diet hard again. And I'mm gonna throw your diet in there too!

    Thanks, MJ
    Last edited by Mighty Joe; 10-26-2001 at 05:35 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    I don't stop eating carbs until 3-4 hours before bed. I have to taper the amount depending on how active I am but I plan that way for each meal, so mainly my carb intake comes in between 4:30 am and 6:00pm since that's when I am most active. After that my carbs are mostly fibrous veggies.

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