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Thread: Critique new lean bulk please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Critique new lean bulk please

    I love monring cardio so I am keeping it in. It clears my mind every morning and makes me function better so I will do it for 35 minutes at 75-80% every monring on empty and start breakfast about 20-30 minutes later.

    meal 1: 10 egg whites, 1 1/4 cup oats with a few strawberries
    meal 2: 2 1/2 sccops whey with 1 tbs. flax
    meal 3: 8 egg whites with 4 whole eggs and a can spinach or green beans
    pre workout: 1 1/2 whey and 8 fish oil tabs
    post workout: 2 whey and 90 g. dextrose via smarties
    ppwo: 12 egg whites and 60 grams carbs via girts
    2 hours later: 8 oz chicken and 1 tbs. olive oil, can spinach or green beans

    calories: 3000 +/- 100
    protein: 290
    carbs: 220 (excluding carbs from whey and veggies)
    fat: 70 ( this does include the fat from whey and oats)

    I want to get more fat but cannot squeeze it in any where. I want to try Hitt (sprints) on wed. and saturday so I will have P/C breakfast, hiit. followed by pwo with fewer carbs and a ppwo with about 50 grams from grits or brown rice and P/F the rest of the day. On Sunday I will cheat all day and get 4000 calories from ANYTHING low fat. I will add a little more sat. fat on the Wed. and Saturday.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Oh yeh, the morning cardio is only for the monring of the 4 workout days.

  3. #3
    i think your diet is preaty good as far as how it is set i dont know what your stats are so i cant really tell you if you need more calories or less.
    but diet looks nice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    6'0" 182 13-14% bf.

  5. #5
    well depending on your metabolism ofcourse...but average you need about 500 more calories than what you burn daily in order to grow...DO THE MATH

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    europe, italy
    sorry... but i dont think that your diet is in check... whats with all the eggs??
    I would refer to the sticky lean bulk diet....
    keep the eggs for breakfast...IMO

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I think it looks decent, what do you have against eggs?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    the only reason i dont eat egg whites after breakfast is because of all the sodium. but he is eating the how would they hinder results?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Egg whites are FAT free. Chicken is close but I know for a fact (in my case) egg whites keeps me leaner and harder than any meat does. Egg whites will take less time to get degested into stream but stays with me the came amount of time chicken does. This is based on something that Shwar5zenegger said in an article a few years ago. The 2 times I want a solid food but I want the protein to get into my system fast is monring and ppwo. The afternoon I am at school so the fats and protein are in a neat little package for me as opposed to a baggie of chicken and a cup full of oil or something. I have been doing this diet for 6 days and my weight is up 3 pounds and my waist is down about 1/4 inch, go figure. I am thinking of adding cottage cheese before bed just becasue I want to.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    how is that a good bulk diet with hardly no carbs in it? Also isnt that alot of whey portien shakes?????

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    you eat candy for your pwo carbs?

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