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  1. #1
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005

    Question about amount of carbs in PPWO meal

    I know for PWO shake you should have twice as many carbs as protein (I take 50 g of whey protein and 100 g of dex right after my workout). Does the same hold true for the PPWO meal?

    Usually around 45 minutes after my PWO shake I have my PPWO meal which consists of an 8 oz. chicken breast (which is about 50 g of protein) and either some rice or pasta. My question is should I use the same formula, should I have 100 g of carbs (from the rice or pasta) with the 50 g of protein (from the chicken breast) PPWO, or would 25 g of carbs from the rice or pasta be good enough to have with the 50 g of protein from the chicken breast?

  2. #2
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    London Baby
    good question

    are you bulking or cutting?

  3. #3
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005

  4. #4
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005
    Anyone else?

  5. #5
    Austex's Avatar
    Austex is offline Member
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    Consume the amount of carbs you normally would in a protein/carb meal. Take for example:

    1. You are taking in 400 grams of carbs/day.
    2. Including your PWO shake as a meal, 5 meals/day are protein/carb meals.
    3. Your PWO shake includes 100 grams of carbs.

    Now say with exception to your PWO shake, you decide to split the remaining 300 g of carbs evenly over the 4 pro/carb meals. That would put each pro/carb meal around 75 grams (carbs).

    With all that said and done, your PPWO meal does not need to be "configured" like a PWO shake. The reasoning behind using a 2 to 1 Carb/Protein formula is to shuttle the necessary nutrients to your muscles (protein synthesis) with SIMPLE CARBS. This releases insulin and promotes glucose uptake to prevent your body from becoming catabolic. A normal protein/carb meal is just the want complex carbs to be slowly released as energy, with a minimal change in insulin (blood glucose) levels.

  6. #6
    Superballer's Avatar
    Superballer is offline Associate Member
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    Caliskrilla yada?!
    Well said Austex.... I was curious about this question as well.

    And in the process you answered three other questions I had...


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