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Thread: how to increase my appetite

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Southeast Texas

    how to increase my appetite

    I'll start out with a brief history. I'm 5'10" 165 lbs, about 6-8% bodyfat. I've been training for about a year and a half and got some good results. (prior to training, i weighed a measely 124 lbs.). There have been many times that I just get "tired" of eating so much. As it is, I often have to force feed myself, and sometimes briefly feel ill because of it. I'm just looking for any tips on how I can increase my appetite. Or does my body just have to get acclamated to a high calorie diet and eventually get used to eating alot without being "forced" to eat?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    wish i had your problem!! im always ravenous. but hey, the grass is always greener.

    since you have gained more than 40 lbs in a year and a half (congrats by the way, not an easy task) im assuming you are a monster in the weight room. either that or you are juicing. but if you were juicing i would think your appetite would increase.

    i hope you havent been eating the same sh*t for a year and half. because if you have, it might be a main part of your problem. Try and eat a little more not saying go to every drive through window in sight. just try and change it up a little so you dont feel like you are just "stuffing" food down that doesnt taste good.

    this may be a little weird...but studies show that the spice "tarragon" acts as an appetite stimulant.

    its all mental...every part of this sport is mental. suck it up and drive on!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    West Palm Beach
    Xtina is correct. Change up your diet. We all get sick of eating the same stuff everyday. Cheat some more. Get some red meat. cook the chicken on the grill with BBQ...
    I'm so sick of eating over 4000 clean cals a day myself but we have to do it. Get on a "see food diet" haha..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Southeast Texas
    Thanks for the advice xtina and puff. By the way xtina, i am not juicing...i wouldn't dream of doing it at this weight, being that i know i could put on several more natural lbs. But if i decide to use gear in the future, i want my diet to definitely be in check, or I know it will be a waste. Sometimes i just get in a rut, but i know all it takes is a bit of creativity and effort to keep the progress going. Thanks again guys...this board definitely keeps me motivated!

  5. #5
    If you can get hold of b12 then that shoulg help,i take 1000mcg ed when im bulking and my appetite goes through the roof!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    Quote Originally Posted by Texsun
    Sometimes i just get in a rut, but i know all it takes is a bit of creativity and effort to keep the progress going. Thanks again guys...this board definitely keeps me motivated!
    i know what you mean! good to hear you arent using drugs...

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