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Thread: pro/fat pro/carb

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl

    pro/fat pro/carb

    Hey, I was wondering what is the maximum amount of carbs that should be consumed in a pro/fat meal and what is the maximum number of fat that should be taken in a pro/carb meal. I know this is a pretty dumb question but I am tryin to start this damn cuttin diet and need a little help. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    That's a tough one for sure because it next to impossible to eliminate one or the other entirely. I'd say for a base try and Limit fat to under 12g for a pro/carb meal and right about the same for a pro/fat meal. You have room to play with, just do what you can to separate them and that'll most likely be enough.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl
    Thanks. that helps give me some kind of guideline. I figured it was somewhere between 10-15g. I know that there is much debate on the whole low carb and high protien type diet and I was reading some of your earlier posts and deffinately agree with the whole caloric defecit thing to lose weight. I think the hard part is actually taken in enough calories to be in a defecit but not going to far overboard where your are taken in 1,000 calories and burning off like 2,000 just at the gym every day. How many calories would you suggest I take in a day while cutting. Just to give you some help I try and either burn 600 calories on the tredmill every day or run sprints for around 45 minutes, along with workin a muscle group for about an hour and a half. So i am physically active basically all day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    CT *Formerly Buff_Daddy*
    i would shoot for 0-5 for each.

    At least, this is what i do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by swizole
    Thanks. that helps give me some kind of guideline. I figured it was somewhere between 10-15g. I know that there is much debate on the whole low carb and high protien type diet and I was reading some of your earlier posts and deffinately agree with the whole caloric defecit thing to lose weight. I think the hard part is actually taken in enough calories to be in a defecit but not going to far overboard where your are taken in 1,000 calories and burning off like 2,000 just at the gym every day. How many calories would you suggest I take in a day while cutting. Just to give you some help I try and either burn 600 calories on the tredmill every day or run sprints for around 45 minutes, along with workin a muscle group for about an hour and a half. So i am physically active basically all day.
    Gonna need way more info than that, what are you stats?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    depends on what you want?

    If you ask about the fat should be @ your POW meal right after your work out, it must be at minimum 0-1 g

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl
    I am 19, my current weight usually fluctuates from 170-168. I have actually been tryin to cut for a while. I was 225 and I powerlifted. I am 5'9. The reason I began cutting was because all the heavy weight that I lifted was killing my joints and i looked sloppy although I was strong as a bull. I said the hell with that. Hear I am now 5'9 170 and cant even bench 315 anymore but I look a lot better. I am just stuck now. It seems like I cannot lose anymore weight and I am aiming for good abbs. I was measured at 10 percent body fat but I question the accuracy because it was one of those hand held things. I heard they measure water retention to. Anyway dont mean to ramble on. Those are my stats.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl
    Yeah I read that. It was really healthy. A big problem with me is the whole portion control thing. Lets just say I can go to a buffet and put them out of bussiness. I can eat more than all my fat friends. I eat healthy for the most part, with the exception of like 1 cheat day a week, its just I eat so damn much. When I try to portion control to control my calories I go around starving and in a bad ass mood. Its HELL.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Then its gonna be mighty hard to cut dude. Learning to deal with hunger is all part of the game but for the first few weeks of cutting you really shouldn't be hungry, you need to eat enough protein and that should take care of the hunger pangs. Cheating is fine, just don't wipe out an entire buffet, its counter productive.

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