Im at school here so i cant really get exact ammount of servings but i can explain how much food it really is...
im 6'2 200lbs.. 7%bf
wake up aroudn 10:30 .
- 30G Whey Protein.
- 1 Turkey sandwich with wheat bread and american cheese
-Orange Juice
1:30 (Cafe Closes)
-2 Chicken Breast
-4 grams of Fish Oils.
430 (Cafe opens)
- A Plate full of rice
- 1 piece of grilled chicken
- Apple
Workout 6:00
25G Whey pre workout
45g Whey Postworkout
80g Dex post workout
25g Whey
1 Grilled chicken breast
1 Turkey sandwich with wheat bread and american cheese
10:00 Cafe closes
1+ 1/2 a chicken breast
Tutrey Sandiwch with prepared the same as above..
Glass of Skim Milk
12:00 Casien Shake( Yet to buy this but soon)
Im at school so the meal times change according to my classes but for the most part i eat about this much everyday.. not alwways the same times but i always get my PRo/carb meal and hour and a half before my workout. and my PPWO meal is wlays a hour after my dex and whey shake...
Also im trying to bulk so shoudl i be eating any and everythign including pizza and crap liek that here and there?
I made this diet on my own. no help so please help me make this better as imagine there are alot of holes in it...
I, currently not running any AAS
I want this to be a bulking diet. so any adivce would be great fellas
Thank Guys..