Would a scoop of whey and a bannana for PWO meal? Would it be as effective as Dextrose?
Can I eat again 1 hour after PWO? This would be my last meal. It would be lean protien/greens.
Would a scoop of whey and a bannana for PWO meal? Would it be as effective as Dextrose?
Can I eat again 1 hour after PWO? This would be my last meal. It would be lean protien/greens.
no for the banana, not very many carbs there or the right type for that matter. and yes eat about 1 1/2 hours after your pwo but make it lean protein and carbs
well to get the amount of carbs you need after workout...
i think you might need more than 1 bannana..
A peice of fruit would be fine but you will need some other carbs as well.
I use to do dex/fruit for a while but now I do just dextrose. You'll be fine with fruit but has to be more than one.
Ok - I will use dextrose PWO.Originally Posted by jdh
Why is a bannana the wrong carb? What beside dex would be the right carb?
make it lean protien and carbs
This is my last meal for the day. It will ne between 8-9P.M. My current goal is to drop body fat. I was thinking of staying away from carbs at this time. What do you think?
Nah you still need carbs pwo , wether its @ 5pm or 12amOriginally Posted by bigtraps
High "gi" carbs are critical after an intense workout. You need to restore your glycogen levels - FAST. Dextrose works best for a quick insulin spike, but gatorade and sweet tarts are both good alternatives.
I would shy away from a banana since it contains a lot of fiber. Fiber tends to slow down protein absorption. Remember you want a high "gi" carb to quickly shuttle protein to your muscle cells.
nah not really , the only time I use dex is when im using slin....and sometimes If i want something real sweet other than that...its a medium-low GI....Originally Posted by usualsuspect
They both restore glycogen levels at the same rate...only one way is healthier
To each his own bro. I find higher "gi" carbs tend to work more effectively for preserving muscle while trying to drop bodyfat. My muscles tend to look a lot harder as opposed to looking "skinny" and flat.
Honestly, keep doing whatever it is that works for you. Everyone responds differently to different foods. Its trial and error.
Originally Posted by IronFreakX
ofcourse man! I tried em both I felt no difference.....which is why i stick to medium-low...even tho it shows no difference in studies....some people do notice better results from dex.Originally Posted by usualsuspect
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