For a PWO shake I have been drinking just whey protein 60-70g, should I also be drinking carbs?????? if so what do you recommend.
For a PWO shake I have been drinking just whey protein 60-70g, should I also be drinking carbs?????? if so what do you recommend.
i believe any sort of carbs like oats/beans for me i dont mind..
i do take dex sometimes to make it easier cause its just a drink then not another meal i have to eat .
but i believe it can be
40g whey/80g dextrose. Shake tastes really good too. Any type of carb will do. General rule of thumb is carbrotein ratio be 2:1
Are you guys using vanilla protein to mix with dexrtose, and what are you using for dextrose, Gatorade???????????
Chocolate is the only taste I can stomach. Vanilla and strawberry gets old so damn fast.
you can buy dextrose powder in most stores.
yep i can only down chocolate
like johan said./
I think most of us use dextrose for dextrose.Originally Posted by SquatDr.
I use Gatorade mixed with vanilla whey . . . taste like a Dreamsicle. I mix it about 40/60 pro/carb - cutting now . . . usually i would totally agree with Chest and mix it 2:1 carbro.
I also drink a dilute version during my workout. I mix it 20:30 pro:carb . . . anyone else do this??? I've really noticed great results from it.
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