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Thread: Timing of PWO

  1. #1

    Timing of PWO

    I know this has been gone over countless times. Im just putting out there that the window is 15min after your workout. Today..I talked to some ppl while working out..prolly for 10-15 mins or so after I did biceps after back. Then, I did like 6 sets of abs, talked for another 10mins or so then sped my ass home once I realized how much I had been talking. In this you think Im in trouble or is it no big deal?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    This is the reason why I quit my last gym and joined another.

    The one I go to now I hardly know anybody and this allows me to get my shit done where before I was just visiting everyone I knew and meeting more people and pretty soon I would leave the gym 2 hours later and think I did a complete workout when I never did shit.

    like the saying goes, "Shut up and squat"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I wouldn't say it's a huge deal or anything, but, in order to stay consistent, Id bring your PWO shake to the gym, bro. Whenever I finish off my workout for the day- in your case back & bis- I pound down my shake before starting any abs...ideally, you really want to get that prot and dex in the 15 minutes immediately following your pump- that 15 minute window is when your muscles are in dire need of the PWO nutrition and will use the protein and dex most efficiently...waiting any longer, at least IMO, is not advisable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Caliskrilla yada?!
    Hmmmm.... I've thought about this at times too. For example, if I do chest for 20 minutes or so, then do another 30 minutes of abs and triceps, then have my PWO.

    In reality it's been much longer than 15 minutes since I've done my chest, so it's missing out on that PWO nutrition in a sense.

    On the other hand, drinking a PWO and THEN doing abs... makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

    Just a thought.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    if i were you i'd bring your PWO shake to the gym with you and just down it right after you get done with the workout. that way if you do end up running into people, you've already got a lot of it taken care of.

    but i'm definitely with Super Baller on the PWO then doing abs... asking for a cleanup next to the decline bench

  6. #6
    It seems like such a good idea. My workout partner that I work out with about half the time brings his stuff in a gym bag and drinks it immediately after he is done. Hes always ragging that I should do the same..I always book it home to get my shake in. Now I gotta buy a bag..and thats $$ that could be used for supps..oh well..its a must. Thanks guys

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