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  1. #1
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    May 2003

    pro/fat meal while cutting?

    can someone explain the pro/fat meal. i'm on a cutting diet and i've heard a lot about it, but i don't really understand the purpose or when a good time to have it would be. i know SC's mentioned tuna/mayo as a possiblity.. someone please enlighten me. thanks

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    I eat all Protein/Fat meals with the exception of breakfast, pwo, and ppwo (sometimes preworkout). Looks like this
    1. pro/carb
    2. pro/fat
    3. pro/fat
    4. pro/fat
    (sometimes) 5. pro/carb pre workout
    6. pwo pro/carb
    7. ppwo pro/carb
    8. pro/fat

  3. #3
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    give me an example.. i'm completely in the dark on the whole process... why people do it/why it's good for cutting?

  4. #4
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    May 2005
    Here is my diet...

    This is non workout days..

    Meal #1 pro/carb
    1/2 cup oats/2 tspn brown sugar
    8 egg whites

    Calories: 314
    Total Fat: 3g
    Total carb: 33.7
    Protein: 33g

    Meal #2 pro/fat
    4 slices turkey/2 slices swiss cheese

    Calories: 380
    Total Fat: 19g
    Carb: 8g
    Protein: 45g

    Meal#3 pro/fat
    Tuna 10oz/ 1 tbspn mayo

    Calories: 450
    Total Fat: 16g
    Carb: 0g
    Protein: 80g

    Meal#4 1 chicken breast/3 Omega-3 capsules (this could be incorrect..giantz said the foreman will reduce the fat/calories) pro/fat

    Calories: 300
    Total Fat: 14g
    Total Carb: 0g
    Protein: 48g

    Meal#5 2 chicken breasts/1 oz dried roasted peanuts (just playing around w/ this one..tell me if I should change it..on workout days this is my ppwo along with 1/2 cup brown rice) pro/fat I recently removed peanuts

    Calories: 650
    Total Fat: 30g
    Carb: 5g
    Protein: 104g

    Meal#6 shake 2 scoops whey/1 tbspn flax pro/fat

    calories: 250
    Total Fat: 18g
    carb: 8g
    Protein: 42g


    Calories: 2344
    Total Fat: 100g
    Carb: 55g
    Protein: 352g

    this is nonworkout days. On workout days, PWO and PPWO meals are pro/carb.

  5. #5
    SHRED's Avatar
    SHRED is offline Senior Member
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    CT *Formerly Buff_Daddy*
    Shake/flax oil
    chicken breast/real cheese
    chicken breast/almonds

    Just a few examples for you however the list goes on forever......

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