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Thread: help me guys

  1. #1

    help me guys

    hey guys i was wondering if anyone can help me with designing the best bulk diet that i can do with my budget ,,,the best and most cost effective one cause i have tried several attempts to design one without much success are the price of some of the bulking items that i can get
    can of tuna: 4l.e
    carton of eggs :24 eggs= 7.5 l.e
    litre of milk =about 3l.e
    cerelac to add some protein and calories ,,350grams each100g =to 15grams of protein and 421kcal ...its price is 10l.e
    i have oatmeal ,,honey and peanutbutter to add calories to my shakes and my budget is about 100l.e thats the basic budget that i can afford ,,sometimes i can afford more but not necessarily so can anyone help me with mu bulking diet from these ingredients that can afford me the max protein and lasts for the longest period of time ,,,peace guys and thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    parked in yo momma
    um i know it sounds really american but were gonna need that in dollars, miles, and pounds. really dont have time to look up conversions, it comes with being a "superpower nation that protects your ass from your enemies even though we dont have to" i guess

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Spend 10 minutes of your time and search this forum. You will find a dozen questions exactly like this which have already been answered.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Austex
    Spend 10 minutes of your time and search this forum. You will find a dozen questions exactly like this which have already been answered.
    i dont think so and u guys dont need money conversions too,,if anyone can compose a good bulking diet that lasts the longest period of time according to my budget and the info that i gave to u i would be so gratefull,,peace

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by indrid_cold17
    i dont think so
    I do.

    This is a stupid, over-asked question. I can see if someone needed advice on what types of foods to eat. As far as price, come on man...use your brain. Watch weekly grocery flyers, buy any lean red meats or chicken breasts that go on sale. Hit up the supplement shops and see what proteins are on sale / close to expiration etc. That's about as cheap as you'll get.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Austex
    I do.

    This is a stupid, over-asked question. I can see if someone needed advice on what types of foods to eat. As far as price, come on man...use your brain. Watch weekly grocery flyers, buy any lean red meats or chicken breasts that go on sale. Hit up the supplement shops and see what proteins are on sale / close to expiration etc. That's about as cheap as you'll get.
    ummmm u know nothing and u r actually not helping at all ,,,supplements are ****in expensive here and it aint cheap like in the us ,,,not even close but thanks anyway .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    parked in yo momma
    u can move to mexico and hop the fence like they do

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by indrid_cold17
    ummmm u know nothing and u r actually not helping at all ,,,supplements are ****in expensive here and it aint cheap like in the us ,,,not even close but thanks anyway .
    You're right. What was I thinking!? Good luck on your quest.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsd67

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by indrid_cold17

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    no matter location you can probably find cheap whey straight form a diary factory.

    soybeans is a very cheap source of protein.

    No one will design a diet for you. We can help you on the way and critique any suggestions you make. But none here has the time to put down a whole diet for you.

    I locked this thread since it was going no where fast.

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