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Thread: flax oil???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pa AGAIN.

    flax oil???

    OK I 1st want to thank EVERYONE on this site for there on going help. I am really thankful that there are a lot of knowledge-able people out there. Especially before I am ready to cycle. It is good to know that I needed to change my bulking diet before I go on my cycle. Now I was reading the unoffical how to Bulk thread and even tho I am slightly confused I am actually learning a lot. I read that flax oil is good to take. I went on Ebay and searched for some. This looks like a decent deal. I figured tho I would ask you all first before buying. So what do you all think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pa AGAIN.
    Also I hear I need whey protein. What kind is good and how much. I never used whey before. Again I am glad I posted a lot in refrence to what I am using daily b/c I thought I could get away with all these suppliments has long has I comsummed LOTS of Cottage cheese (slow protein-no?), no fat yogurt, oats, chicken and TUNA. I am cycling starting Jan 2nd and for my first time I want to do it right. So whatever I have to get I will. I dont have tons of money, but I will do my best.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    get the oil...tastes like shit but wayyy more convienient

    for the whey... the banner on the top

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    lists some stats about yourself (age, height, weight, body fat%, info about your training, etc.). Seems to me that you need to wait to go on a cycle until you get a solid diet going. And you dont need to buy anything off ebay. Flax is one of the EFA's (Essential Fatty Acid) you should take. They are good fats. But I will let one of the experts tell you exatly what you should take. But I am almost positive they will tell you to wait on a cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Carolina
    Why go on ebay when you can buy flax at any drugstore for little of nothing?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pa AGAIN.
    just always figured ebay was cheappppppppppppppppppp

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pa AGAIN.
    Quote Originally Posted by kyle316
    lists some stats about yourself (age, height, weight, body fat%, info about your training, etc.). Seems to me that you need to wait to go on a cycle until you get a solid diet going. And you dont need to buy anything off ebay. Flax is one of the EFA's (Essential Fatty Acid) you should take. They are good fats. But I will let one of the experts tell you exatly what you should take. But I am almost positive they will tell you to wait on a cycle.
    25yrs old, 6ft 1, 215lbs body fat unknown <~~never tried to figure it out
    monday: chest / tri's / dips / 30 mins Sauna
    tuesday: biceps / Pull ups to failure 3 sets / 30 mins Sauna
    Wednesday: chest / tri's / dips / 30 mins Sauna
    Thursday: biceps / Pull ups to failure 3 sets / 30mins Sauna
    Friday: Back / Shoulders / 30 mins Sauna
    Sat: Cardio / 30 mins Sauna
    Sun: Cardio / 30 mins Sauna

    any help in my routine would be appreciated.

    I been working out on and off for the last 6 yrs. While in the Military for 4 yrs (00' - 04') I did more cardio then anything along with my pushup's and sit ups. I only lifted 3 days a week back then b/c I noticed for me that anymore then that took away from my stamina with the 2 minute push-up, sit-up "PT" tests. I been back at it pretty hardcore for the last year

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pa AGAIN.
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    get the oil...tastes like shit but wayyy more convienient

    for the whey... the banner on the top
    is this what you ment?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by ExitedNoob
    OK I 1st want to thank EVERYONE on this site for there on going help. I am really thankful that there are a lot of knowledge-able people out there. Especially before I am ready to cycle. It is good to know that I needed to change my bulking diet before I go on my cycle. Now I was reading the unoffical how to Bulk thread and even tho I am slightly confused I am actually learning a lot. I read that flax oil is good to take. I went on Ebay and searched for some. This looks like a decent deal. I figured tho I would ask you all first before buying. So what do you all think?
    Bro if you have a GNC around you just go there and get the Flax. You can also use Fish Oil, Alvacado, all natural Peanut butter ect.

    I peronally use Gold Standard Whey when i use powders. It is better to get as much protien from solid lean meat as you can rather than the shakes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ExitedNoob
    nah I meant getting the whey from there...the flax should be in liquid form

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I wouldn't cycle if I were you. Especially if you weren't already utilizing whey and flax. Get a perfect diet for a year++ and I guarantee you'll see great gains. Good luck

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