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Thread: microwave

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    being in the military i eat like as much as i can in the mess hall but they are closed 6pm to 6am and i need to eat a late night meal in my room but all i have to cook with is a microwave. anyone have good ideas for healthy microwavable meals?

  2. #2
    Egg whites and Oatmeal

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    at the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by MeanMachine2000
    Egg whites and Oatmeal
    A staple for me!

    You can also make chicken breasts in the microwave--it takes about 6m per lb (just make sure it's cooked--juices run clear--before you eat it). Works real well if you marinade it overnight! Also, if you're making more than a couple at a time, arrange them so the thickest parts are to the outside (that's the area that gets cooked first).

    A lb of frozen shrimp would only take about 4m to cook (till pink). You'd probably have to move 'em around midway though.

    You could cook eggs any way you like too. I always make omelets in the microwave 'cause it gets less dishes dirty and cooks just as fast...

    Oh, one more idea--I made ground turkey in the microwave the other day 'cause I didn't feel like makin' meat loaf in the oven. It was about a lb of meat, I mixed it with some chopped onions, and microwaved it for about 5m, stirring a couple of times. Then I drained out the liquid, added a lil' mustard, lots of ketchup (well...about 1/2 cup), salt, pepper, ground parm. cheese, and a lil' vinegar. You could put whatever you want in the meat, that's just what I had on hand. Mix it all well, and put it back in the mic. for 3 minutes or so (just to heat since the meat's cooked already). It was soooo good, and took no time!

    Have fun experimenting!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Don't they let you take food to go? Thats what I used to do, sometimes you gotta be a little sneaky. I also stocked up on tuna-in-a-pouch and beef jerky (didn't rely much on the jerky though).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    And if you can swing it, may want to think about a foreman grill. You can get different brands and the small ones aren't that expensive. Great way to cook, gets out a lot of the greese like grilling but you can use it on a regular counter top and they don't take up very much room.
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    • It doesn't get easier, you just get faster. - Greg LeMond
    ExRx (Exercise Prescription)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    thanks that helps me out alot guys!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    how long do you cook eggs in the microwave?

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