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Thread: exuse for cheating

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space

    Thumbs down exuse for cheating

    friday was the last day of the work week all week my diet and training was good until i decided to give myself a break from the fat burner, thinking that if i give it two days off that on monday i can continue with new vigor. wrong!!!!!!!!
    i said hmm a couple slices of pizza wont hurt then i had the pizza friday night. saturday rolls around i said what the heck im going to the gym anyway so some regular pudding wont hurt and plus it will give me a good boost so that led to about 8 oreos and a couple cups of milk,then i go train had a pretty good workout then after i say the more carbs the better then i will" grow" that led saturday night into awful eating patterns.sunday shit forgwt about it i ate cookies milk donuts chocolate bar and to top it off i didnt stop i was on a suger raid. so i tricked myself into binging thinking i will get some gains.well today im off to a good start again and being prepared for the weekend. well i just needed to vent sorry guys if this thread sucks.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    There is no excuse that you can create that can out perform the desire to excel. There is NOONE that with that burning desire won't achieve the goal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    NOTHING tastes better than "LOOKING GOOD" feels. Allow yourself 1 (ONE) cheat day, or better yet cheat meal, per week and things wuill be fine.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    men are only as faithful as there options whoops wrong kind of cheating,haha

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    If you think of it as cheating, you won't enjoy it and you will defeat the purpose of having that meal. Think of it as something you earned...sort of like a treat then it will dispel all negative feelings towards what you are doing so you won't feel as if you have to compensate for what you just did.

    (i.e. now i have to do another hour of cardio because i ate some pizza vs because i stuck to my diet all week and didn't give in to temptation, i am going to have some pizza and enjoy it)

    ~6 meals x 7 days in a week = 42 meals

    1 cheat meal is only 2.3% of your entire diet

    1 cheat DAY is 14.2% Big difference

    Everyone loses it completely once in a while. Forget about it and remember how bad you felt right afterwards so it doesn't happen again.
    What happens here, stays here

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Well said Girl!

    Originally posted by primodonna
    If you think of it as cheating, you won't enjoy it and you will defeat the purpose of having that meal. Think of it as something you earned...sort of like a treat then it will dispel all negative feelings towards what you are doing so you won't feel as if you have to compensate for what you just did.

    (i.e. now i have to do another hour of cardio because i ate some pizza vs because i stuck to my diet all week and didn't give in to temptation, i am going to have some pizza and enjoy it)

    ~6 meals x 7 days in a week = 42 meals

    1 cheat meal is only 2.3% of your entire diet

    1 cheat DAY is 14.2% Big difference

    Everyone loses it completely once in a while. Forget about it and remember how bad you felt right afterwards so it doesn't happen again.

    Well I thought that I had quoted only one line but the whole thread came up. Oh well, it was a good thread anyway and deserves to be posted again. Well said Primodonna. Evrybody slips up, BUT it is those that notice it and strive on to vow to try to do better next time that excell. Nobody's perfect, even though we all try so hard to be.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Prtyboy, great come back man..
    yes, I agree, everyone has to have a cheat day, in fact, one body builder told me that fat increases testosterone, I have no evidence to back that up, but I find that it does for me, plus gives my body that little extra shock that it needs. After I pig out one day on my cheat day I go into the gym with so much energy, those are usually my best work outs in fact. Don't sweat it, just control yourself, I think all of us here that are seriuos about the sport have a cheat day, that is the only way we will stay sain. But discipline is another issue. I am always finding ways to motivate myself to eat right, everytime I look in the mirror that is enough to make me eat right. Keep up the hard work and cheat days are okay, just control it. May want to get on a fat burner they seem to help me with my appetite and carb cravings.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by Pete235
    NOTHING tastes better than "LOOKING GOOD" feels.

    You should write a book. That was beautiful. That is exactly how I feel, I don't even give myself a cheat meal, when I do, I feel guilty for the next 3 days and IMO, it's not even worth it. I like food that actually serves a purpose in building a better "me". What's a bear claw going to do for you except make you look like one?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Don,t beat yourself up over it learn from your mistake and move forward.if we are honest we all have a relapse in our diet now and again and if you did,nt you would,nt be normal.I think Primo summed it rather well!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Hey if you ever cheat I got a sure fire plan to make sure you don't again. Grab a blender, anD bust out Billy's famous Orange Juice w/ Tuna recipe.. Anyone who is forced to eat that will NEVER want to cheat again in fear of eating/drinking that cow dung....LOL BILLY!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    When You blow it you blow it............

    Primo showed a caculation that should make sense to you .

    Now one way to overcome this problem, During the week of dieting you should be thinking of what you Prize meal will be... Think ( If I wanted to eat any kind of dinner , food etc... what do I really want.... If you do this excercise it will allow all the possabilities for creative thinking . I find that a lot of foods, I dismiss quickly, thinking I aint gonna waste my free meal on that. Make it the best meal you can come up with ... I usually take my wife out or we will go out with friends to dinner , have some wine and/or a drink or 2 and enjoy our evening . If I order desert I find that even then we may share it and not have our own.
    This also allows friends in your life . Saturday evening cheat allows your friends having you over, going out and breaks up the week . Nothing worse than telling friends ( such as precontest prep , where no choice ) Sorry, for the next 10 weeks I can't do anything ...hehehe \
    Good luck

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    MarkyMark- have you competed before?
    What happens here, stays here

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space
    ok guys summed it up pretty good im moving forward from here not thinking backwards


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