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Thread: Help 3Doodoo to be back in the game!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County

    Help 3Doodoo to be back in the game!!!

    I seriously need your help guys!

    Since the past year I put lot of fat on. Damn office job I swear....

    Now back in the game the bodybuilding one!

    I need a serious hardcore diet that will shred the fat away without losing any muscles, we all know the story eh.

    I wont go into a cycle until a few months, been on since years and I want to give my body a break.


    340 lbs
    bf: 20%
    H: 6'2"

    I've tried going back to low carbs, but I cant. I tried this week...

    What happened is that since I did CKD in 2002, my blood sugar is always low now. And when going on low carbs, I get very ****ed up!

    So HELP ME OUT!!!!!!!! I seriously need your help guys

    especially Swole!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanx guys

    im desperate for a very good diet

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Vandoo can you at least put together a rough outline from the cutting sticky and then we can modify

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    I seriously dont know, actually.

    I posted a diet recently, but im a carboholic!!!!!!!!!!

    carbs are gooooooooood!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ok, tomorrow. Lets get a plan together. I'll help you out with a basic guidline and I'm sure other will help as well, but for tonight. I'm out!

  6. #6
    Alright..well since you weigh 340 I would do like..400g protein 200g carbs and like 100g fat to start with. Thats 3300 cals...Im pretty sure with diet you could lose weight with that at first. Take a look at the cutting sticky for carb timing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    1. Protein (g).................. 431.75 Grams 50%
    2. Carbs (g).................... 345.4 Grams 40%
    3. Fat (g)........................ 38.37778 Grams 10%

    6 meals : 578/meal
    Typical day :

    Meal -1-
    Product Quant Protein Carbs Fat Calories

    Crystal 1 0gr 0gr 0gr 0 cal
    Eggs whites 10 35gr 3gr 0gr 135 cal
    Oats 2 cups 47gr 54gr 5gr 291 cal
    Bananas 1 1gr 28gr 1gr 109 cal

    Total : 48gr 82gr 5gr 564

    Meals -2-
    Products Quant Protein Carbs Fat Calories

    Shake 2 80gr 2gr 1gr 300 cal
    Udo’s 1 tab 1gr 0gr 17gr 171 cal

    Total: 81gr 2gr 18gr 471 cal

    Repas -3-
    Products Quant Proteins Carbs Fat Calories

    Veggie Mix 10oz 9gr 38gr 1gr 182 cal
    chicken 1 breast 55gr 0gr 6gr 287 cal

    Total : 64gr 38gr 7gr 469 cal

    meal POST WOKOUT -4-

    Products Quant Protein Carbs Fat Calories

    Brown rice 1 cup 15gr 45gr 1gr 216
    chicken 1 breast 55gr 0gr 0gr 287 cal

    Total : 70gr 143gr 1 503 cal

    Products Quant Protein Carbs Fat Calories

    Brown rice 1 cup 15gr 45gr 1gr 216 cal
    chicken 1 breast 55gr 0gr 0gr 287 cal
    veggie Mix 10oz 9gr 38gr 1gr 182 cal

    Total: 79gr 83gr 2gr 685cal

    Meal -6-
    Products Quant Protein Carbs Fat Calories

    Shake 2 80gr 2gr 2gr 300 cal
    Udo’s 1 spoon 2gr 0gr 17gr 150 cal

    Total: 22gr 2gr 19gr 450 cal

    Grand total 424gr 350gr 52gr 3142 cal

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Drop the carbs to 30% and up the fats to 20%

  9. #9
    Yup, that fat does look very low.

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