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Thread: Help With A Diet

  1. #1

    Help With A Diet

    Hey guys im new to here, im 22 and i am currently 6'2 265. I will be starting my 1st cycle soon and i want to start a diet. My goal is to burn about 30-45pds of fat and turn into muscle. I was wondering if someone can help me out diet wise and guide me in the right direction. Im not really sure of what to do, and eat and what not. Thank you, i appreciate the help in advance. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    take a look at the sticky at the top of the page, it helps alot...

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    30-40 lbs of fat??? I doubt it. But if you go hardcore and balls to the wall maybe you can lose 40 lbs but not all fat thats very very hard. Any F me go for it!!

    I would just learn about good carbs and good proteins. then research the diet forum and make it happen. Try not to make it too complex because eating healthy is just to hard by itself.

    here are some things I heat

    Brown Rice
    Sometimes Wheat bread early in the AM (sometimes)

    Turkey Meats
    Fish-Talapia, Salmon, Shrimps (iffy), Tuna Steak

    Flax oil is the best for this.


    Don't forget to cheat. We all do it and its keeps us sane.

    There is so much here you just go to look for it. And if you have some extra cash and want someone to do all the work look into swole cat's stuff. He knows his shit!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Read the cutting sticky!

    I will make things ALOT easier.

  5. #5
    well i started my own lil diet about a week ago, and ive lost 7pds, down to 258 now, i have been takin some clen and t3 as well along with nitrix and some m1t, so i guess im doing good so far, who is swole cat, how do i get in touch with them thx

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