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Thread: Wtf Scale

  1. #1

    Wtf Scale

    okay i have been cutting weight, i fregin look better and feel better, but the scale says i gained 6lbs WTF, someone explain

  2. #2
    have you been using water as your "diuretic".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Maybe muscle gain? maybe just some water gain.. it does not take much water to put on 6lbs. water is like 9lbs per gallon so maybe you just needed to take a good pee and then reweigh


  4. #4
    i run everymorning, i burn about 500 calories... and im running an ecy stack, i should be loosin somethin
    i cut around 1,000 calories

  5. #5
    oh and i drink about 15 20oz bottles of water a day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    whos cares how much u weigh as long as you look and feel better

  7. #7
    very, very true

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    my weight flucuates all the time i dont really check my weight that often bout 2 times a month, i just keep of my waist line

  9. #9
    alrighty then

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