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Thread: Dieting with Clen

  1. #1

    Question Dieting with Clen

    I am just starting a cycle of clen and was wanting to know the best diet to lose weight quickly and get toned. I do not wish to become Ron Coleman. I currently weigh 240, I am 6'1, and am 28% bf. I wish to become in the 200-215 range and well toned during this cycle. This is the first cycle I have ever taken. I need guidance could someone help me out with my diet and workout.

    Monday and Wednesday: Run 2miles morning and night
    Tuesday and Thursday: 1 1/2 hr. aerobics and 1 hr. weight training
    Friday through Sunday: None

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Let me get this staight, you're all set to use Clenbuterol, but you need a Diet? Am I getting that right?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Advice = save the Clen... Look at Diet sticky...

    Your simply not ready/ borderline retarded

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    Let me get this staight, you're all set to use Clenbuterol, but you need a Diet? Am I getting that right?
    I don't know alot these things thats why I'm asking for advice. What's the best advice you can give me?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Read the diet sticky like suggested above. Make up a diet from that and post it to get critiqued. After its critiqued, run that diet for a few monthes and you'll see great results without using any Clen.

  6. #6
    Thanks. What kind of results can I expect to see on Clen with the workout that I posted. I will still find a diet, but I have invested in the Clen and don't want to just not use it. Will it be worth my time an work for only one cycle.

  7. #7
    Get your diet sorted first bro, clen works but why use it as a crutch.

    Get the diet moving, then when things slow down add the clen and you'll be rolling in the right direction again, theres no doubt clen works. But im from a school of thought where you dont put all your eggs in one basket...and clen would never be first choice in my basket!

  8. #8


    Does anyone know a good diet I start. I obiviously don't know much thats why I'm asking so many questions. I'm was able to get Clen so I hopped to it, because I am eager to lose weight. I now know there is more to getting fit than just taking a supplement and waiting for the results. I am currently looking for as much info as possible.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    If your eager to loose weight then freaking research... Not hard, you see the button on the top right, Use it..

    Again, you wont be waisting your clen if you SAVE it for a later use, probably when you understand the concepts of your diet...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    clen will help you lose weight by 2% or so .. a good diet will help you lose weight w/ 100% success.. oh well ur cash not mine

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Clen is over-rated. Some even respond BETTER to a basic fat burning ECA stack.

    Of course, if your diet is not 100% impeccable for your goals, nothing is going to assist you.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    if you use the clen properly, workout properly, and diet improperly, you are wasting your money

    if yu use the clen properly, diet properly, but don't workout properly, you are wasting your money

    you're a big guy. Clen helps you build muscle and lose bodyfat. You won't become Ron Coleman by using clen, so develop a good weight training program, one that will help you build mass. Develop a good, CLEAN diet, one that will help you get all your protein and nutritional needs to support your training. Develop a good cardio program for your health and to assist in burning bodyfat.

    Once you have figured this stuff out, THEN post your ideas, and we will gladly help you work through the kinks.


    until you at least ATTEMPT to read the boards' advice on weight training, cardio, and diet, you will get nothing but contempt.

    Personally, big guys really underestimate the power of solid muscle when it comes to burning bodyfat. They think "hey, I have an idea, I'll just do cardio", and can't understand why, after 2 months of exhaustive cardio and super-strict dieting, they are weak, tired, miserable, and STILL look like a flabby ball of glop.

    that being said, 2 weight training workouts/week is low. Lift weights AT LEAST M-W-F, possibly even M/T and Th/F each week. Learn what you need to eat, or you are wasting your time and money, and you may as well flush the clen down the drain.

    Here, I'm going to make it WAYYYY too damn easy for you.

    Go here:
    read THE ENTIRE thread. Then, go here:

    Try to figure out some form of happy medium between the two. You will want to build lean mass, while at the same time burning bodyfat. If you just try to burn bodyfat without building mass, you are gonna look like a 6'1" flabby, untoned, weak pussy.

    Now then, once you figured out WTF you're going to eat, read this:

    Follow the rules. Post it up, get critiqued, fix, change, adjust, tinker.

    Then, figure out how to squat, deadlift, bench press, and barbell row. Once you figure that out, do a little reading/searching on

    "Madcow 5x5"

    read 'em up, figure out which seems more suitable for you, and then post your projected workout up for critique.

    People here will gladly lead the horse to water, but it's up to you to drink for yourself.

    Or, another way of putting it is "I'll show you where the bathroom is, and I'll even toss you a roll of toilet paper, but you can wipe your own ass"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    Quote Originally Posted by keth'naab
    "I'll show you where the bathroom is, and I'll even toss you a roll of toilet paper, but you can wipe your own ass"

  14. #14
    Thank You So Much.

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