Which diet to lose more weight. I'm 5"10 223lbs probably 24% bodyfat. I don't have a pass to left weights but I do have access a small hotels gym. they have treadmills, epicals cardio stuff and up to 45lbs free weights and machgine stuff.
A.M. Cardio 45-60 minutes
Meal 1 Pro/carb
1 cups oats + 2 scoops whey + 200mg chromium + 100mg b-complex + 1000mg Vit C
Meal 2 Pro/carb
1 can tuna + 2 slices wheat bread + 200mg chromium + 100mg b-complex
Meal 3 pro/fat
10oz chicken breast + veggies + 2 tsp flax
Meal 4 Pro/fat
2 scoops whey + veggies + 2 tsp flax + Metamucil
Meal 5 Pro/fat
10oz chicken breast + veggies + 2 tsp flax + Multi Vit
Meal 6 Pro/fat
8 egg whites + 4oz Salmon + 1000mg Vit C
Meal 7 Pro/fat
2 scoops whey + Metamucil + 2 tsp flax
Diet 2
Meal 1:
8 egg whites, 1 C oatmeal, 1 Orange, 24oz. water
Meal 2:
2 scoops whey in 16oz. water.. with 1 teaspoon flax oil.... 1 can tuna
Meal 3:
1C cooked brown rice, mix in 1 can of tuna and some taco bell hot sauce.. 24oz water
After meal 3, wait about 45 min.. and workout.... those am carbs you had are going to fuel your cutting workout.
Post workout Meal 4: have 2 scoops of whey in 16oz. water
30 min later...
Meal 5:
2 Tyson Chicken Breasts, 1 Cup of broccoli, 2 Cups of salad with 1C Chopped Cucumber, 1C chopped Green pepper, 1C tomatoes
Meal 6:
10oz of lean meat.. (make sure its lean..... or you could have a chicken breast, or some salmon) and 8 eggwhites