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Thread: Extreme Mass Diet: force feeding 8k+ calories a day=50lbs gained in 5 months!

  1. #1

    Extreme Mass Diet: force feeding 8k+ calories a day=50lbs gained in 5 months!

    I want to share my success with you guys, and hopefully some of you guys can incorporate my diet before using AAS in order to build a good natural base. I am a bit 234lbs right now, plan to hit 250 naturally, juice up on Test E for 12 weeks, and aim for 270-280. I am 19 years old by the way and have never juiced up before. I was 185 when I started this Mass diet on Sept 2, 2005. Just to warn you guys before I list the contents of my diet...this is no easy task. We're not talking about just stuffing your stomach...we're talking about OVERSTUFFING your stomach. You will go through a lot of pain, and probably shit well over 10 times a day literally. I actually shit more than I piss, and that is the truth. You must be dedicated to follow this must take the pain, and eat everything in site, ignoring your stomach begging for mercy...because trust me brother...embarking on this diet, is getting yourself a 1-way ticket to hell...but the secret is to learn to like hell whether you like it or not...after all, hell is your only chance at getting massive.
    Okay here is a typical day for me:
    Meal 1: 24 eggs, 12 of them whole, 12 of them white with 1/4 pound of butter smothered on it. 4 to 6 blueberry waffles. 4 scoops of pure pro mass gainer shake.
    meal 2: 24 oz of red meat, 2 baked potatoes, and a 4 scoop weight gainer shake with all of the left over food stuffed into it.
    meal 3: 1 liter ice cream, 2 large hamburgers smoldered in cheese, french fries, and a 4 scoop mass gainer shake with 2 cans of Tuna and i ounce of apple juice stuffed inside it.
    meal 4: 16 ounces of steak, 1 slice of chicken&brocolli Pizza, French fries, and a 4 scoop shake of mass gainer with banana+blueberries+steak pieces stuffed inside it.
    meal 5: 1 whole Grilled chicken sandwich and slice of chicken&brocolli Pizza with a shake

    and that is well equilivent to at least 6,000 calories. My strength is through the roof, and I am feeling great. A side effect of this diet, is that your stomach will bulge out like Greg Kovac, but you will gain quality mass all over your body. I dont care what I look like in the off long as I am gaining mass, I am happy. Basically this diet emphasizes that you eat everything in site (dont need to eat clean). If this diet doesnt work for you in terms of mass, then none of them will...
    good luck..and think hard before embarking on this journey...know what your getting yourself into here...
    time to take my 9th shit

  2. #2
    Forgot to mention, I am also upping my ice cream intake to 3 liters a day now. I love the Baskin Robins Gold medal is delicious...goes great with pizza too
    Ian Harrison was the original founder of this kind of understand that this diet is inspired under his name...
    My bodyfat is 12 percent and I am 5"9

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i truthfully dont know what to say

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    your bf is 12 % and u eat that evreyday ??? i have a hard time beleiving that got any pics ??

  5. #5
    Those meals I proposed above are not what I eat everyday, but it is to give you an idea of what kind of food I eat and the quantity of it.
    For breakfast I always eat 24 eggs, 4 to 6 waffles, and a 4 scoop mass shake. Yes I am 12% bodyfat with visible ripped-ness on it. But my stomach is bloated and pushed out right now so to speak. Everybody is accusing me of steroids because of how I blew up in a very short amount of time.
    I do not have any pictures of me as of now, but I will definitely post some up if I can get my hands on a dig camera from one of my friends so you guys can have an idea of how I look.
    Why is everybody worried about gaining lean mass anyways? You can always shed off the bodyfat with cardio+drugs 1 month prior to summer, and come out of the program ripped and shredded. I truly emphasize bulking during winter days.

  6. #6
    Is this diet not incredibly unhealthy though?
    At one point does one draw the line.

    Stay safe bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl
    well for one thing, if you eat pizza and ice cream every day, yeah u will gain size and a shit load of strength, but you will get fat as hell, which no one wants. I mean do not get me wrong when I am bulking i got no prob goin to golden corral for lunch and dinner and eating lbs of red meat, potatos, veges, white bread, and mac-n-cheese, with of coarse all my other meals spaced through out the day. But to eat ice cream and pizza and shitty junk foods every day is rediculous. I hope no one takes this shit seriously, if you do, well im sure you will make a good power lifter.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by swizole
    well for one thing, if you eat pizza and ice cream every day, yeah u will gain size and a shit load of strength, but you will get fat as hell, which no one wants. I mean do not get me wrong when I am bulking i got no prob goin to golden corral for lunch and dinner and eating lbs of red meat, potatos, veges, white bread, and mac-n-cheese, with of coarse all my other meals spaced through out the day. But to eat ice cream and pizza and shitty junk foods every day is rediculous. I hope no one takes this shit seriously, if you do, well im sure you will make a good power lifter.
    You mistook my ideas and switched them around a bit. For one, I did NOT say eat pizza everyday...the pizza was just an example of one of my day's meals. I eat pizza only 4 times a week thats it. I seem to never get fat and I've been doing this for over 5 months allready. Before you dismiss it as "everybody is different" case, I call that bullshit. When you eat as much as I do on a daily basis, your body has learned to adapt to that kind of quanitity consumed, and your metabolism goes sky rocket as a result of burning all of that food. Did I forget to mentioned, I never even do cardio...havent done it for a year. Around May 1st, im going to stack Clen and Ephredrine with lots of cardio along with my Test E 500 mg weekly, and take my word for it, I will shred every ounce of fat without sacrificing muscle AT ALL! And why am I hearing from the bros that this is very unhealthy? Taking steroids is very unhealthy...PERIOD! Lol...this is not a health forum...or at least I thought...I thought this was a mass-muscle forum, for guys who want the freakiest pounds on their bodies? Maybe im on the wrong forum? Let me know.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    im speechless....... Very cocky!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    I'm a little confused.

    I don't feel as though this is an educated post...

    I think that this is crazy....

    I wouldn't eat that much a day, I feel as though it would have negative sides...



  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    I'm a little confused.

    I don't feel as though this is an educated post...

    I think that this is crazy....

    I wouldn't eat that much a day, I feel as though it would have negative sides...


    I agree! Seems way to unhealthy! Why arent u gaining any fat?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    I also might sense some sarcasim in this whole idea...

    Show us some pics of yourself, and we might start to listen.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl
    steroids unhealthy?? how about steroids used in massive proportions and with out proper care are very unhealthy, moderation and cycling off makes them not unhealthy, in fact they have been known to actually help your immune system, maybe thats why doctors prescribe them to cancer patients to help fight illness due to a weakened immune system. Also I call shananagans on your body fat. I want pics, because if you can eat like that, or even similar to that for a long period of time, u must just be a genectic freak to stay anywhere near 12 percent bodyfat. I am tired of all these people claiming to be low bf and end up lookin to be around 18-20 percent. be real with yourself

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    This thread has nothign to do with steroids.

    This specific forum is for diet.

    I would suggest leaving steroids out of your pathetic argument.

    You are engaging with a board FULL of expertise. We all expect you to respect that, and respect the people on it, our opinions, views, suggestions, commentary, and such, as we do towards eachother here.

    You are not getting anywhere by proposing worthless arguments off topic. Go to the AR lounge if you would like to continue discussing this nonsense and fantasy tales.

    Either post some pics, or become more mature. One of the two will help you get positive feedback.


  15. #15
    This is crazy? Of course it's crazy!
    After all, isn't Ronnie Coleman's physique CRAZY?
    How did you think he got this "crazy" physique in the first place? Eating lean pieces of chicken and Brocolli all day long? Naaaaa I dont think so!!!!
    The fact has always remained:
    In order to be freaky, you gotta eat freaky
    Just ask any of them Ruhl, Yates, Nasser, Gunter
    and they will all tell you that they eat MASSIVE quantities of food per day.
    Its all depends on your goals after all, just what do you want out of your body?
    To have a lean, model look? If you want to be under 230 lbs and lean, then stay as far away from my advices as possible!
    But if you want to get huge in the shortest amount of time with no steroids, then my diet (which is originally Ian Harrison's) will guarantee to blow you up regardless if your an Ecto or whatever. You say I bullshit?
    When my pictures come through this board, we'll see about for now just hang in there...

  16. #16

    Post some pics of youself at 12%BF, then i will listen. If you dont then i suspect your talking garbage.

    Ive followed similiar diets in the fast gained about 45 pounds in 4 months, probably 75% of which was fat and water, so as i said post some pics to prove us wrong.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl
    talk is bout this for a good bulkin diet?

    meal 1-1 whole stuff crust pizza with half gallon sweet tea and liter of cookie dough ice cream

    meal 2- 6 lbs of steak with no fat trimmed and 3 plates of cheese fries, chocalate cake for desert with 100 gram protien shake

    meal 3- 6 scoops whey, 8 pb sandwichs, 2 tripple cheeseburgers, and 3 doughnuts

    meal 4- 7 double quarter pounders, 3 large fries, protien shake, and some FLAX

    meal 5 repeat meal 1 and 2 together

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond Pain
    This is crazy? Of course it's crazy!
    After all, isn't Ronnie Coleman's physique CRAZY?
    How did you think he got this "crazy" physique in the first place? Eating lean pieces of chicken and Brocolli all day long? Naaaaa I dont think so!!!!
    Eating alot but also healthy!!! U think ronnie coleman eats 3 tubs of icecream a day? Ur an idiot 4 that! Go tell someone else ur story. I bet u r over 20% BF!! U eat like a sterotypical "overweight" person does!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl
    thats some funny shit, typically overweight person. I bet you sit on the couch and eat little debbie christmas tree cakes (even when its not christmas) and watch dr. phil talking about the health risks involved with steriods

  20. #20 being ganged up.
    Im sorry if I offended you guys...I am just trying to help with my good experiences I've had that's all. Im not trying to hurt you guys in any way if that is what you think.
    I am also sorry that this Mass diet didnt work for you guys, as it worked for me, Dorian Yates, ian Harrison, Ronnie COleman, Markus Ruhl, and a bunch of other pros.
    Please forgive me.....of course I respect you guys....never meant to go hostile or whatever
    Peace brothers

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by swizole
    thats some funny shit, typically overweight person. I bet you sit on the couch and eat little debbie christmas tree cakes (even when its not christmas) and watch dr. phil talking about the health risks involved with steriods
    Is that directed towards me?

  22. #22
    and love
    Peace and love..happy love,
    Tranquil tree hugging friends of happiness
    Smoke together, sit around in a circle around the tree, and speak of the golden days, as the vision unfolds with patterns of acid-induced visions
    Lie on the green field of joy, roll over in bliss, and make love with everyone...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    A mod or vet would be nice right about now.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond Pain being ganged up.
    Im sorry if I offended you guys...I am just trying to help with my good experiences I've had that's all. Im not trying to hurt you guys in any way if that is what you think.
    I am also sorry that this Mass diet didnt work for you guys, as it worked for me, Dorian Yates, ian Harrison, Ronnie COleman, Markus Ruhl, and a bunch of other pros.
    Please forgive me.....of course I respect you guys....never meant to go hostile or whatever
    Peace brothers
    Yes well maybe you are deluded so post some pics? And those guys are on a ton of GH which helps them stay relatively lean.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    WTF is wrong w u?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Theres no talking sense into this guy

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    with your girl
    no that was directed at ronnine coleman's twin over there

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Alright fella's enough of the BS.

    This diet is absolutely ridiculous, please don't post shit up like this again.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I have to say this is probably the biggest bullshit post I've viewed in regards to diet/fitness.

    I know a few pros, and to get big they do NOT eat like this.

    Not even close. They'd be dead after a year from clogged arteries and extreme obesity no matter how much gear they are on.

    Keep this grade-school shit at ABC bb'ing or some shit.



  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    This thread is so dumb that I got to reply. Mostly because when I did my first bulker I was stupid enough to acctualy belive in a article that said almost the same as this post. Safe to say I got FAT and it took me 1 year!! one friggin year to get rid of the fat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond Pain
    You can always shed off the bodyfat with cardio+drugs 1 month prior to summer, and come out of the program ripped and shredded. I truly emphasize bulking during winter days.
    The bolded part must the the funniest shit I have ever read. Yeah get ripped in one month, sure, after eating all of that. Easy

    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond Pain
    And why am I hearing from the bros that this is very unhealthy? Taking steroids is very unhealthy...PERIOD! Lol...this is not a health forum...or at least I thought...I thought this was a mass-muscle forum, for guys who want the freakiest pounds on their bodies? Maybe im on the wrong forum? Let me know.....
    You thought wrong, this IS a health forum. Everyone here does(or should)care about health. ESPECIALY when on steroids because eating clean becomes SO MUCH MORE important for juicers.

    btw taking steroids are not very unhealthy PERIOD.

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