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Thread: Can't gain weight(my food intake)

  1. #1

    Can't gain weight(my food intake)

    Here's what I eat per day normally. I am 5'6" 163-165lbs. I think I have a high metabolism rate also:
    Weight gain shake(before workout)-585 calories
    weight gain shake(after work)-585
    Protein shake(after workout)-275
    1/2 of a chicken and 1/2 potato=180 calories
    1/2 of a chicken and 1/2 potato=180
    1 cup grapes=114
    Protein shake=275
    1 1/2 cups carrots=45
    beef jerky=160
    3 egg whites=45
    1 cup broccoli=20
    ham and turkey sandwich=310
    4 strawberry fig newtons=180
    a whole piece of chicken and 1/2 of a potato=250
    Hostess powdered donuts(trying to put on weight)=360

    Total calorie intake is:3,994 calories

    Some people at work have told me that I do not have enuff fat and need to bump up my carbs also. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    you diet looks just like mine

    except i get i would say a good 70% of my diet from shakes and bars.i'm not big on "real" food,but thats' just me.i basically on eat real food to keep my digestive system on track. if you are into drinks i would throw down like a carboforce 3x a day w/ those meals.they are like 440 cals per bottle and thats' an extra 1320 cals a metabolism is mad quick.and carboforce is so cheap when you buy it by the's like a $1.25 a bottle.yeah you could stand to bump up some carbs.i detest fat so i'm not makign any suggestions on that other that if you can train optimumly then you should be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You look as if you are getting enough cals but I,m not sure about protein.

    Divide your diet into daily values for Protein,Carbs,Fat

    What is your bodyfat and what type of training do you do eg weights, track,and the amount of cardio you are doing each week

    With that little extra info we should be able to sort it out

  4. #4
    I lift heavy with free weights and I only limit my cardio at the beginning of my training just to get the blood flowing. Usually only walk on the treadmill for about 5 minutes each day that I work out.

  5. #5
    Forgot my bodyfat. i'm not exactly sure what it is but I'm 5'6-7" weigh about 165-63. I know that I do not have very much bodyfat though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    How old r u roughly teens , 20's 30's ? What do you do for work brother ? How many days do you train a week ? Can you change your user name ? hehe
    I think we need a bit more info here ...

  7. #7
    I'm in my early 30's and I sit on my ass at work. I work out about 4-5 times every week. As for the name that's supposed to be for the ladies, the women never complain about it. I also calculated my protein and carb intake. The protein was 287g and carbs was 472g. I've got a friend who owns a supplement shop and I got 2 cases of carbo force the other day at a super discounted rate because they are going to expire in about a month, so that was cool. I'll start using them tomarrow. Just for more info I've been using SUS250 for about 6 weeks now. Here's my cycle info:weeks 1-3-1ml weeks 4-7 2ml weeks 8-10 1ml. I can't believe I haven't gained weight with the AS and eating my ass off. Thanks fellas

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Your on a cycle and haven't gotten anywhere chances are its bogus ..... You should have gotten some water weight at the very least ... Based on your calories I calculated your around 3k calories ... I suggest this approach ... Some people justy can't gain for some reason ... I don't think thats true ... there is something there not doing ... Start eating fast food .... A double whopper w/ cheese and large fry with a soda is 2k calories .... Try some higher fat food just for the sake of calories ....

    I had a roomate that was the same way ... he started just counting calories ....get those babies up like 4k and see if that helps ... at 30 your metabolism should have slowed ... especially if you aren't active at work ...good luck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space

  10. #10
    I guess I will try to add more fat to my diet then. As for the AS I've got all the signs of using. I've got the alot of zits on my back, shoulders, and chest. I never did have any zits before I started using. And I will accept the offer of switching metabolisms with you geometric. But I would like to switch back when I get older. My whole family is skinny. My moms,uncle,cousins, etc. Today had a friend work out with me who is huge. I usually don't have anyone to work out with. I usually do the drop sets and supersets thing. He gave me some pointers. I've only been working out for about a year. Well thanks again fellas. Peace

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    yeah bro your eating too clean when trying to put on more like Steak or beef instead of Chicken, big ass RIBEYE steak or Burger...yum. Whole eggs instead of egg whites, add some Peanut butter into your diet, eat a couple PBJ sandwhiches a day, add PB to your Weight gain shake, and mix w/whole milk...damn I don't see how people have a hard time puttin on weight, just eat, and love'll grow. * Quit snaking and filling up on Grapes and carrots eat more dense foods more...replace those with another protein shake, PB sand, steak make sure your eating at least 8-10oz of meat's...

    Your gonna fart like there's no tommorow..but enjoy it..I find if you cup em and throw em at people- it becomes a relatively fun game.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    She added some great points there brother ... Foreget the word diet .... Calories / protein is what you must focus on ..Have around 40-60 grams of protein with each of your 6 meals .you can add a small protein shake with each meal to enable this ... remember to eat your calories for the most part and drop the snack fillers like fruit and veggies ....these are good to help from bingeing if your obese ,but by the post here I take it it is the exact opposite ... Try and{ EVENLY} space out and even size wise with each meal.. Sounds also like you aren't drinking enough water .... It may help with the acne .. If you haven't started counting calories ... DO IT ! just push those babies skyward . over 4-5 thousand a day ... You body will have to use them some how ... Train every other day ... try and not do any aerobic activity ( if poss ) other than what is a must ... if you notice this is helping modify as you see fit ...good luck
    Last edited by MarkyMark; 10-21-2001 at 02:08 PM.

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