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  1. #1
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    First two "clients" in training!

    Hey bros,

    Ok here is the deal. I have two friends of mine from college, they both want to be trained. I agreed to train them for awhile, and see how things go.

    I am meeting with them today to discuss scheduling workout routines, cardio, and dieting.

    Here are the client's stats and notes per client:

    Client #1:

    Age: 20
    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight: 210
    BF: 15-18%

    Client #1 Goals:

    Weight: 190
    Target BF: 12%

    Client 1 is planning on cutting for 12 to 16 weeks. He has fat storage mainly around his hips and lower abdomen. Other areas of his body appear to have less proportional fat storage. I believe that with a rigorous training routine, cardio, and proper diet; losing excess body fat will not be a serious issue, however, I do believe that he will need to pay specific attention to his lower abdomen/hip areas well during training to create an equal loss of bodyfat throughout his body.

    Client #2:

    Age: 20
    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: 165
    BF: 11-13%

    Client #2 Goals:

    Weight: 190
    BF: Unknown

    Client 2 is planning on bulking. I would like to get him up to 190 in 4 months/16 weeks. He has a very high metabolism, abs are showing at 165lbs and at 6'5" - he is a skinny kid.

    The agreement I have with these guys is that after the 4 month period we will compare before and after pictures and stats, and see where things stand. If all goes well - then we will take it from there. They will offer to be references for me for future clientelle.

    Please let me know any suggestions to may have at this point. I will be meeting with them today to discuss in detail what their schedules are looking like.

    Some notes I have so far:

    Client #1:

    6 Days per week, beginning at 10 minutes per day for the first week, 15 for the next, 20 for the next, and so on up to 45 minutes per day of moderately intense cardio on an empty stomach.

    Weight Training:
    Currently client trains 4 to 5 days a week. The schedule will be 5 days of solid training per week. Sundays are rest days. Actuall lifting techniques will vary the first two weeks once I have observed the client's physical condition.

    6-7 meals per day, maintaining approximately 2000 calories. (This is just an estimation.) His meals are uncertain as of right now. His daily intake will be around 350g Protein, 175g Carbs, less than 40g of Fats. Carbs and Fats will be seperated for all meals regardless of day. One cheat MEAL per week will be allowed. This cheat meal will remain consistent (same day) every week. There will be no variations allowed during this period. First two weeks will be experimental on dieting. We will be confronting various obsacles in regards to college and work in order to fit in the proper dieting schedule.

    Client #2:

    There will be very limited cardio during this bulking period, possibly once or twice a week just to maintain good vascular health.

    Weight Training:
    The schedule will be 5 days of solid training per week. Sundays are rest days. Actuall lifting techniques will vary the first two weeks once I have observed the client's physical condition.

    6-7 meals per day, maintaining approximately 5000-6000 calories. (This is just an estimation.) His meals are uncertain as of right now. His daily intake will be around 350g Protein, 400g Carbs, approximately 100g of Fats. Carbs and Fats will be seperated for all meals regardless of day. One cheat MEAL per day will be allowed. This cheat meal will remain consistent (same time of day) every week. There will be no variations allowed during this period. First two weeks will be experimental on dieting. We will be confronting various obsacles in regards to college and work in order to fit in the proper dieting schedule. His diet will be targeting a "semi clean" bulk.

    So far this is very very brief introduction of things. There may be some errors above, if so please point them out to me so I can edit them. I will be posting regularly their updates and progress throughout the training period. We will be examining these two client's as "opposite" situations, simply because one is bulking and one is cutting, as well as the fact that they are both very different in physique. Training will vary per individual. Once stats are verified per client, proper caloric intake will be met, and proper training will be met. The above are rough numbers as of now (Satuday February 4th 2006). Their routines will begin Monday February 6th 2006.

    The main topic of this post is to relate their diets to their progress, this is why I posted it in the diet forum. 75% of their concentration will be on their diets.

    I will be posting their workout routines in the workout forum, unless approved to post here by Giantz, or Swole. Please let me know if you mind. I would like to combine everything together for ease of reading.

    Please keep this thread a serious thread and on topic, I request that this is taken seriously as I am taking it seriously. I want my client's experiences as well as my personal experiences to be helpful for everyone on this board.

    I will be updating this post consistently - please feel free to give me input throughout the training.

    I will be participating in my own training during this period. I will be cutting. My stats and results I won't be posting in combination with this thread. This thread is intended to display my results of training experiences with my two clients.

    Moderators - Giantz and Swole - please let me know if this post needs to be moved, I would like to know ahead of time so it doesn't dissappear on me!

    Thank you for your time everyone, I have put some thought into this thread and would appreciate the same in response.

    Best Regards,

    Last edited by LAGMuXle; 02-04-2006 at 02:02 PM.

  2. #2
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    I will be meeting with my clients at 4:00PM EST. I will return with a post to update their training. Their Harris Benedict will show different numbers - I will post up all minors soon.
    Last edited by LAGMuXle; 02-04-2006 at 02:18 PM.

  3. #3
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    2000 cals is way to low for client # 1 you should start him at at least maintence since he has never dieted before the BF will come off rather quickly, and remeber hes gonna be training 5-6 days a week so he's goona need the cals man 2000 is just to low

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    How can you train people if you don't really know what you're doing?

    No offense meant, it's just that these people turn to you for help, then you turn for help yourself.

    Again, no offense meant, but being responsible for two people when you're not really sure of your techniques is a pretty big load/responsibility.

    I wish you luck in your training of them though.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    How can you train people if you don't really know what you're doing?

    No offense meant, it's just that these people turn to you for help, then you turn for help yourself.

    Again, no offense meant, but being responsible for two people when you're not really sure of your techniques is a pretty big load/responsibility.

    I wish you luck in your training of them though.


    Word, pure & compeling

  6. #6
    MarkyMark's Avatar
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    Swole Your correct again !!!

    Hey, let me preface the following by making it clear this isnt to slam you personally ok ..

    All your figures are off.. just real quick without tearing everything you stated apart your calorie figures for client #1 were almost 2500 calories and #2 was just shy of 3000 calories...

    If they are friends help them find a highly qualified instructor..


  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yeah, I didn't mean it as a rip into him at all as I think it's great he wants to help them out.

    However, not only is a starting point and direction a big concern, where you would adjust 2-3-4 etc. weeks down the road also has to be able to be done, and I'm just curious as to how he would go about doing that. If the beginning isn't really solidified to any significant degree, how can the changes that are to be made?

    I personally waited until I had my own system and then went about helping people. I wouldn't be comfortable assisting people if there were even the most infantile concern about my skills and confidence in knowing my trade inside/out.


  8. #8
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Thank you for your input thus far.

    I will admit that I am no where near the status of you Swole, however, I am willing to do the research it takes to become more and more educated as time goes by.

    I can also admit, and honestly say that I am much more knowledgeable than the two guys I will be training with. I met with them today, and filled them with a lot of knowledge, and was able to answer a load of questions that they had. Some questions I could not answer, and those questions I told them I would look into.

    I am not in the position to charge anyone for training, but I would think (as a business person and friend) that I am able to learn as we go, and trade the correct information to improve their knowledge as well as mine at the same time.

    It is a big responsability to train two others, but I believe that my help is better than none at this time. I am friends with several trainers in my area, as well as related to a bodybuilder who was one step away from being pro, and took a different route in his career (my brother). He has helped me with several things. I am still in the midst of learning, but aren't we all?

    I wouldn't say that it would be better help to find them a professional trainer. Putting them in the position to spend all their money when they can learn most of it on their own (MarkyMark). I would never tell someone to do something that I am not SURE on. I am friends with them yes, and I would not tell my friends something to do that would mislead them.

    I feel as though with a wealth of information available to me, I should make that wealth available to the two people I am helping now.

    It may be a more respectful statement to not call them clients, but partners in training.

    My original post was inaccurate, I quickly typed it up earlier. I was anxious to put something up here. I will revise and post more accurate information when I can. These guys eat 3 meals a day of garbage foods, aren't very strong, and want to move forward. I have given them the link to this site as well as other valuable resources to use for their own purposes. This isn't a situation where I will simply say "do this or fail" and leave them be. I am just working with them to help them move forward.

    I will continue to update things as time goes on.

    I am willing to take positive criticism and work forward as I always have been. Your thoughts are helpful to me and I appreciate it.

    I hope this helps.

    Last edited by LAGMuXle; 02-04-2006 at 06:45 PM.

  9. #9
    steve0's Avatar
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    anytime you are training someone you must always have an answer for them no matter what, thats what they pay u for

  10. #10
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    anytime you are training someone you must always have an answer for them no matter what, thats what they pay u for

    They aren't paying me anything.

  11. #11
    hardgainer12's Avatar
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    I can understand. If he isnt getting paid then hes just doing them both a cool favor. Knobody knows everyhting. Im sure if he can get into shape then he can assist someone else into getting into shape. Again if its free its cool!!

  12. #12
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    Im helping my cousin a little too. I just told him how to eat properly and train!
    (Heavy set)
    I just wanna help him lose weight. Im not a pro but i think i can start him off

  13. #13
    MarkyMark's Avatar
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    Well fair enough...

    Although not in shape the man your helping lose weight should start with at least 20 min on the treadmill at a normal walking pace ... if his condition is so poor he cant walk 20 minutes have him consult his physician ...

    This other guy will take awhile to build up his stamina to do heavy lifting, so take it easy on him for awhile.. Building up his calories over time.

    The best thing you can do is teach them what foods to eat ... how to schedule their day with diet and training ...

    We will wait to see the progress.. I suggest you ask them the last time they had a physical ... make sure there isnt anything to worry about before assisting them with diet and exercise .. ok !


  14. #14
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardgainer12
    Im helping my cousin a little too. I just told him how to eat properly and train!
    (Heavy set)
    I just wanna help him lose weight. Im not a pro but i think i can start him off

    Thanks hardgainer12, I'm glad you know where I'm coming from.

    Good luck helping your cousin.

  15. #15
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkyMark
    Well fair enough...

    Although not in shape the man your helping lose weight should start with at least 20 min on the treadmill at a normal walking pace ... if his condition is so poor he cant walk 20 minutes have him consult his physician ...

    This other guy will take awhile to build up his stamina to do heavy lifting, so take it easy on him for awhile.. Building up his calories over time.

    The best thing you can do is teach them what foods to eat ... how to schedule their day with diet and training ...

    We will wait to see the progress.. I suggest you ask them the last time they had a physical ... make sure there isnt anything to worry about before assisting them with diet and exercise .. ok !


    Thanks MarkyMark, I appreciate the input - I'll check with them on the physical - as for bulking #2 - how fast should his calories increase? He told me today he could eat donuts and ice cream all day and still not gain weight

    I think, since it has been so long since he has done cardio (#1), he will want to start at 10 or 12 minutes, but I will suggest starting at 20.

    I'm working on teaching them what types of foods to eat, their faces were interesting when I said 6-8 meals a day, lol.

    Thanks again.

  16. #16
    MarkyMark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Thanks MarkyMark, I appreciate the input - I'll check with them on the physical - as for bulking #2 - how fast should his calories increase? He told me today he could eat donuts and ice cream all day and still not gain weight

    I think, since it has been so long since he has done cardio (#1), he will want to start at 10 or 12 minutes, but I will suggest starting at 20.

    I'm working on teaching them what types of foods to eat, their faces were interesting when I said 6-8 meals a day, lol.

    Thanks again.
    Well on weight loss friend .. that 20 minutes would be a slow walk ... if that is too much work, put him on the bike or recumbant at no resistance... he should be able to do this... he doesnt have a heart problem right... ? hehe

    Your #2 is going to harder due to a high metab .. however, Eating crap like doughnuts and ice cream all day wont benefit him... He wants to get in shape right...

    Ok !!! He will need to raise his calories no doubt ... I would suggest around 3500-4000 calories to start..

    Get a good weight gainer.. I would suggest he thinks he eats more than he does.. Space his meals every 2-3 hours and around 5-600 calories per meal.. I suggest 7 meals a day and 3 should be a good weight gainer powder... 600 calories per shake.. Keep the simple sugars down ... try and not use the tradition 2 cups of sugar weight gain products but a very nutritious product... read your labels.. try this for 4 weeks and get him in the gym 4 days a week.. Keep cardio to a minimum ... so 7 meals a day X 500-600 calories per meal would be 35-4200 cals a day.. he may find after trying this kinda hard ... Tell him that he has one big job to handle EAT !!! and the better these calories are the better his improvement will be..

    What does he do for a living ..? This may play into our calories as well...

    Although I am not one for juices ... I would suggest he dilute 50/50 juice to water for most of his liquids for the day... this will increase his caloric intake and vitamins. Milk products are good for most with problems gaining weight so I would add some of those too...

    read the threads on bulking .. try and incorperate some of the good oils in his diet as well.. blah blah blah .. I really dont know where to stop .. so here is good for now ... good luck


    PS >> Ok Swole ... your turn ! hehe
    Last edited by MarkyMark; 02-04-2006 at 07:33 PM.

  17. #17
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Thanks again MarkyMark.

    After talking to him today my thoughts were similar to what you just suggested. I am meeting with him tomorrow to go over actual meal plans, etc.

    I told him cardio should be minimum, once or twice a week for 20 to 30 minutes or so.

    He is in college, doesn't play a sport, and doesn't do any activities that would use any of his calories other than walking to class from his car, heh.

    I've read the bulking thread tons of times. I have a good idea on where to start him, I printed a copy of the bulking thread for him, and a copy of the cutting thread for #1 so they both have something for basic structure reference.

    He did ask me the question of whether or not he can eat sugars, I told him fruits and good veggies are ok. I wasn't aware that juices were ok as well? I know a lot of juices have a ton of sugar added, I can make sure he avoids the brands that have too much "added sugar" in them.

    I had a feeling he thought he was eating more than he really has been. I told him to write down everything he eats in great detail Monday through Friday, then at the end of next week we will evaluate and go from there.

    I know that eating ice cream and doughnuts all day wouldn't be a good idea, and I told him that.

    I'll post up a final diet plan for both of them as soon as I can.


  18. #18
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    Here are the diets I have helped put together for the two guys I’m helping out. Let me know what you guys think.


    Height: 5’10”
    Weight: 210lbs
    BF: 15-17%
    Moderately active

    Meal 1, 730AM:
    1 Cup Oats (measured dry)
    1 Cup 100% Egg whites

    Meal 2, 10AM:
    2 Cans Tuna
    2 Tbsp Light Mayonaise

    Meal 3, 1230PM:
    Protoplex shake (45grams protein, 27 grams carbs)

    Meal 4, 2PM:
    1 Cup Oats
    1 Cup Egg Whites

    Gym (weight training)

    PWO Meal 5, 430PM (within 45 minutes of training)
    1 Cup oats (measured dry)
    2 Scoops whey
    3 Tbsp Cottage cheese

    PPWO Meal 6, 7PM
    Chicken Breast (about 8oz)
    1 Cup White Rice
    1 Cup Brocoli/Veggies

    Meal 7, 10:00PM (before bed)
    4 scoops whey
    1.5-2 tbsp Flax Oil

    (Approximates: 3300 calories, 400g Protein, 260g Carbs, 50g Fats.)


    Height: 6’5”
    Weight: 165lbs
    BF: 10-12%
    “Extremely active” – very fast metabolism.

    Meal 1:
    1 Cup Egg Whites
    1 Cup Oats w/1 or 2 scoops whey (mainly for flavor)

    Meal 2:
    8oz. Chicken Breast
    2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter

    Meal 3:
    8 oz. Chicken Breast
    1.5 Cups Rice

    Meal 4:
    Cytogainer Shake w/2 cups 2% Milk

    Meal 5:
    1 Cup Egg Whites
    1 Cup Oats w/2 scoops whey (for flavor)

    Gym (Weight Training)

    Meal 6:
    Cytogainer Shake w/ 2 Cups 2% Milk

    Meal 7:
    "Homecooked" meal. His mother prepares this for him every evening. Usually a good combination of lean meats, veggies, rice or potatoes. Ranges between 650 to 1,000 calories.

    Meal 8:
    5 Scoops whey, 1.5Tblspn Flax (right before bed)

    Approximate totals: 4800 calories, 380g Protein, 340g Carbs, 95g Fats

    #1 cardio schedule is 6:30AM empty stomach, 6 days a week (sunday is off).
    #2 does not have cardio scheduled in, he will do cardio when he pleases, a couple of times a week at most. He visited local vitamin world and they suggested using Cytogainer as his “mass shake” – they of course, talked a bunch of shit to him and convinced him to buy it. I am not too knowledgeable on Cytogainer other than it’s a cousin of Muscle Milk (eh)– any thoughts on this? It is roughly 910 calories per shake above.

    Weight training for both people is 5 days a week.

    I will update any changes we may undergo.


  19. #19
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It is a nice gesture that you are doing, don't get me wrong.


    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Thank you for your input thus far.

    I will admit that I am no where near the status of you Swole, however, I am willing to do the research it takes to become more and more educated as time goes by.

    I can also admit, and honestly say that I am much more knowledgeable than the two guys I will be training with. I met with them today, and filled them with a lot of knowledge, and was able to answer a load of questions that they had. Some questions I could not answer, and those questions I told them I would look into.

    I am not in the position to charge anyone for training, but I would think (as a business person and friend) that I am able to learn as we go, and trade the correct information to improve their knowledge as well as mine at the same time.

    It is a big responsability to train two others, but I believe that my help is better than none at this time. I am friends with several trainers in my area, as well as related to a bodybuilder who was one step away from being pro, and took a different route in his career (my brother). He has helped me with several things. I am still in the midst of learning, but aren't we all?

    I wouldn't say that it would be better help to find them a professional trainer. Putting them in the position to spend all their money when they can learn most of it on their own (MarkyMark). I would never tell someone to do something that I am not SURE on. I am friends with them yes, and I would not tell my friends something to do that would mislead them.

    I feel as though with a wealth of information available to me, I should make that wealth available to the two people I am helping now.

    It may be a more respectful statement to not call them clients, but partners in training.

    My original post was inaccurate, I quickly typed it up earlier. I was anxious to put something up here. I will revise and post more accurate information when I can. These guys eat 3 meals a day of garbage foods, aren't very strong, and want to move forward. I have given them the link to this site as well as other valuable resources to use for their own purposes. This isn't a situation where I will simply say "do this or fail" and leave them be. I am just working with them to help them move forward.

    I will continue to update things as time goes on.

    I am willing to take positive criticism and work forward as I always have been. Your thoughts are helpful to me and I appreciate it.

    I hope this helps.


  20. #20
    MarkyMark's Avatar
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    Well , based on what you have posted for their diets .. I can see you have not read my posts...

    IMO The weight loss client's cals are too high... and too many meals.

    And your weight gain friend needs to build up his calories over time.. I think thats too high to jump into...

    markymark ...

    PS .. a qualified trainer will see where his client is and set up a program tailored to his needs ..
    You cant throw these guys into the deep end right now.. Bring them up to speed so to speak ...

    good luck

  21. #21
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkyMark
    Well , based on what you have posted for their diets .. I can see you have not read my posts...

    IMO The weight loss client's cals are too high... and too many meals.

    And your weight gain friend needs to build up his calories over time.. I think thats too high to jump into...

    markymark ...

    PS .. a qualified trainer will see where his client is and set up a program tailored to his needs ..
    You cant throw these guys into the deep end right now.. Bring them up to speed so to speak ...

    good luck
    I gave them both these diets, and showed them what you said - they are doing it as they wish - I am just "aiding" them along. I suggested what you mentioned - they will do as they please, I am doing my best to help them.

    I did read your posts too MarkyMark - they are just anxious to get moving along, I've given them as much information as I can, and I did mention to them what you suggested. I do not ignore valuable information.

    Thanks again guys,


  22. #22
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    Ok, here is a brief update. We are two weeks in.

    #1 -

    Has lost apprxoimately 8lbs since beginning. Dropped from 209lbs to 201lbs.

    Form and training routine has improved since as well - 6 days a week cardio on an empty stomach in the a/m - (20-30 minutes as of now), 5 days weight training.

    #2 -

    Bulking is going well. He is maintaining his diet and has adjusted to the eating schedule.

    Has gained apprximately 5lbs. He is up from 165 to about 170. His training routine has also improved dramatically and strength is going up as well.

    I am impressed with the devotion that these guys have demonstrated in the gym. They are expressing great results thus far. I hope that they can continue at this rate.

    Neither of them have dieted before so I mentioned to them that their gains/losses will be dramatic at first, and may slow down in speed after a month or so of eating the same.

    I will continue to post updates as we move along.



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