man I dont know what the hell is happening to me. I swear I started my cutting diet january 1st and went great all the way into february with out cheating. I mean I had a few meals when i probably ate more chicken and rice t han I should have, but no serious cheats like doughnuts or anything. Well here comes february and my grandma makes some fat free sugar free pudding. It tasted great and satisfied me for a minute then all the sudden its like i became possessed and started eating sweats all around the house. It was crazy, it was like I couldnt stop my self. Then after all the cookies in the house were gone I went to the store and bought more candy and stuff, and I have been pretty much eating like shit for the past 3 days, Its like I cant make myself go back to chicken and rice. I dont even wanna know the damage I have done in these 3 days, and I feel like I have thrown this whole month away, anyone ever had this happen to them. With spring break coming up I dont think Im gonna be ready anymore after this shit.