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Thread: Waking up to eat?

  1. #1

    Waking up to eat?

    Is it a good idea to wake up after about 6 hrs of sleep or so and just eat a pro/fat meal? When I wake up after 8+ hours of sleep I feel/look all small. I know you are in catabolic mode in the morning and I wonder if this would help? Today I slept for 11 hours and it just seems like an idea I could start doing because I looked pretty small this morning in the mirror.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    well bro ive read that thas what jay cutler does

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    You always look flat in the morning, just the way it is. You do not lose massive amounts of muscle in one nights sleep. But if you can some protein in the night would be fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I would think that the loss of sleep would be more catabolic in the long run than the lack of protein consumption during sleep. Its not like the body doesnt have free flowing protein reserves.

    Interupted sleep is not as good as uninterupted sleep. Thats why I have always been against the night food ideas. Only thing I could think of is night shakes that you drink only if you wake up to take a piss.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    You always look flat in the morning, just the way it is. You do not lose massive amounts of muscle in one nights sleep. But if you can some protein in the night would be fine.
    I think I'll start having a shake w/ natty pb during my 4th ish pee break.

    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I would think that the loss of sleep would be more catabolic in the long run than the lack of protein consumption during sleep. Its not like the body doesnt have free flowing protein reserves.

    Interupted sleep is not as good as uninterupted sleep. Thats why I have always been against the night food ideas. Only thing I could think of is night shakes that you drink only if you wake up to take a piss.
    Thats the thing with interruped sleep. I literally wake up 5 times throughout the night to take a piss because of how much water I drink.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2004
    i dont interrupe my sleep when i can sleep i sleep and i just have a hefty pro/fat meal before bed and i dont wake up hungry, idont understand why you fell small when you wake up, maybe something in ur current diet is fuvked up beause i have never had that problem

  7. #7
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    Feb 2006
    I had a protein/flax drink everynight when I woke up to piss(had it ready next to the pisser) a few years ago, hoping it would increase muscle growth. I remember it seemed to help me lose fat actually, I was able to lose my love handles faster than I had before. And I felt pumped or at least not starving-weak when I woke. I wasn't on anything at the time, just experimenting.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by gmmvp42
    I had a protein/flax drink everynight when I woke up to piss(had it ready next to the pisser) a few years ago, hoping it would increase muscle growth. I remember it seemed to help me lose fat actually, I was able to lose my love handles faster than I had before. And I felt pumped or at least not starving-weak when I woke. I wasn't on anything at the time, just experimenting.
    I may try it a little..does anyone know if its bad that i dont get continuous sleep cuz im waking up basically ever 1.5 hours to go piss??

    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    i dont interrupe my sleep when i can sleep i sleep and i just have a hefty pro/fat meal before bed and i dont wake up hungry, idont understand why you fell small when you wake up, maybe something in ur current diet is fuvked up beause i have never had that problem
    well im gettin about 6k cals down..I think my diet is pretty good except for the baked potatoes but im taking them out soon.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmmvp42
    I had a protein/flax drink everynight when I woke up to piss(had it ready next to the pisser) a few years ago, hoping it would increase muscle growth. I remember it seemed to help me lose fat actually, I was able to lose my love handles faster than I had before. And I felt pumped or at least not starving-weak when I woke. I wasn't on anything at the time, just experimenting.
    Same thing happened to me this summer on a lean mass cycle. I felt bloated and didn't really notice it, but when I took pics, I was like damn, I am gettin' lean!

  10. #10
    chinups Guest
    Cottage Cheese is a natural Casein Protein.

    Check into it

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    Cottage Cheese is a natural Casein Protein.

    Check into it
    yep sure is. I actually have cottage cheese/natty pb as my last meal of the night before bed. Think I should just snack on both again when I wake up in the middle of the night??

  12. #12
    Get an IV setup.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    mmmmm an IV set up sounds like a good idea

  14. #14
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    yep sure is. I actually have cottage cheese/natty pb as my last meal of the night before bed. Think I should just snack on both again when I wake up in the middle of the night??
    Its not a bad option. What cottage cheese do you eat??? Like what are the specs? Carb free?????

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    Its not a bad option. What cottage cheese do you eat??? Like what are the specs? Carb free?????
    Not less than 4% milkfat

    1/2 cup serving size:
    5g fat
    3g total carbs (all sugar)
    13g protein

    Ive looked for carb-free but I cant find it

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Get an IV setup.
    yea? Maybe I will..dont tempt me

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Not less than 4% milkfat

    1/2 cup serving size:
    5g fat
    3g total carbs (all sugar)
    13g protein

    Ive looked for carb-free but I cant find it
    Trust me Chest, those 3g ain't gonna hurt ya. Cottage cheese is a BB's best friend.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    Trust me Chest, those 3g ain't gonna hurt ya. Cottage cheese is a BB's best friend.
    thats what i thought...

  19. #19
    chinups Guest
    so late night before bed cottage cheese alone??? Maybe throw in a scoop of natty PB for the fat content??

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Chest, how come at 19 you are getting up so many times to piss ? You need to get your Prostate checked but I just cant imagine its enlarged at your age

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I would think that the loss of sleep would be more catabolic in the long run than the lack of protein consumption during sleep. Its not like the body doesnt have free flowing protein reserves.

    Interupted sleep is not as good as uninterupted sleep. Thats why I have always been against the night food ideas. Only thing I could think of is night shakes that you drink only if you wake up to take a piss.
    Thats what I awas going to elude to... my vote goes toward getting uniterupted rest. Some people get up to get an effected carb load during a set, short period of time. But thinking you will maintain getting up for more pro/fat every single night... I don't think it can last very long...


    Normal circumstances: get your full, uniterupted sleep..
    Short goal-dependent (carb-loading, bulking) cycles: Fine but keep it light, and you can drink a glass of water before bed to make sure you do wake up...

  22. #22
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Chest, how come at 19 you are getting up so many times to piss ? You need to get your Prostate checked but I just cant imagine its enlarged at your age
    I don't get up to piss much in the middle of the night but I can tell you that I piss close to 20 times a day so if he drinks a ton of water late at a workout session and then a bunch more b4 bed then I wouldn't concern myself.

    The other day I drank a liter b4 bed and woke up 3 times to piss

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    I don't get up to piss much in the middle of the night but I can tell you that I piss close to 20 times a day so if he drinks a ton of water late at a workout session and then a bunch more b4 bed then I wouldn't concern myself.

    The other day I drank a liter b4 bed and woke up 3 times to piss
    Yes thats entirely understandable, but if he isnt doing that then he has a problem.

  24. #24
    chinups Guest

  25. #25
    I agree with you Kale. Lately I have been drinking a whole bunch before I go to half a gallon. I think I need to cut back a little bit so I get more uninterrupted sleep like you guys have said. Some very good input so far, very interesting.
    Its a 1/2 cup cottage cheese/2 tbspoon natty pb meal chinups, sorry for bein unclear there.

  26. #26
    marcus300's Avatar
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    if i get up durring the night to go to the toilet i normaly have a protien shake ready,1 normaly does me until i get up but if its muscle mass your after 24hr dedication is needed,

  27. #27
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    I agree with you Kale. Lately I have been drinking a whole bunch before I go to half a gallon. I think I need to cut back a little bit so I get more uninterrupted sleep like you guys have said. Some very good input so far, very interesting.
    Its a 1/2 cup cottage cheese/2 tbspoon natty pb meal chinups, sorry for bein unclear there.
    Kinda sux for me because I get home from gym say at 6 ish. Have mass recovery, 1 to 1.5 hours later I eat my meal so its roughly 7 7:30 when I am done eating maybe 8. At that pt I start to get ready for bed since I get up at 4am. I would hate to consume a mass recov, dinner, then cottage chease natty pb however if I am up till 9, 9:30 I am going to start doing it.

    A shake ready in the fridge. A MUST!

  28. #28
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I even make sure not to drink much water before I go to sleep to avoid getting up several times to take a piss.

  29. #29
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I even make sure not to drink much water before I go to sleep to avoid getting up several times to take a piss.
    U also sleep on a bed of nails with a water bucket resting on your head right?

  30. #30
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    I usually wake up and eat nails, and when i get up in the morning i shit gun powder...
    real man here...

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    If your gonna, what I'd do is.... make a muscle milk shake or something before you go to bed, and if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night, pound it and go back to bed.

  32. #32
    I think I may start leaving a shake in the fridge and eat a lil cottage cheese then get back to bed. Guess I gotta stop drinking so much damn water right before I go to sleep. At each bathroom break, I down another half liter of water I bet..that probably doesn't help.

    Marcus3000-I've always that you in your avatar?

  33. #33
    Looks like ruhl.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    New York
    I second Warrior's opinion.

    Uninterrupted at it's best. Solid eight hours will get you further than taking in protein at night in my opinion.


  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    I second Warrior's opinion.

    Uninterrupted at it's best. Solid eight hours will get you further than taking in protein at night in my opinion.

    think I'll cut back the water before bed..but I still think I'd take one or two breaks

    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Looks like ruhl.
    what I thought but it was far away & im blind

  36. #36
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    Jan 2004
    sleep is the best, man my sleep quality sucks right now, im under tons of stress im in the process of moveing and its a bitch, along with money problems as weell, shit will keep u up at night, i was thinking maybe you should throw down some whey with that bafore bed meal as well, but if you are wakeing up hungrey i see no problem with eating a little bit it will most likely help you gain.

  37. #37
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    I guess everyone has different opinions of what you should and shouldnt do. I know that some pro bodybuilders set their alarm for 03.00 (ish) just to take in extra protein (shake) but that would kill me . I need as much sleep as i can! I would take the sleep when you can get it and if you do wake up maybe take a protein shake and see how you go.

  38. #38
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    i also know of pro bodybuilders who wake up and do their cardio at 4 am. so these lazy guys are the ones who have a shake at 3.

  39. #39
    shit thats crazy. Luckily for me I dont have to make myself wake up..I wake up and have to piss like no other so thats good I guess

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    when i take a piss at night i take a quick chug of some "amino fuel" by twinlab. that gets me 60 cals, 10g protien, and 6g carbs. i believe something like this would be an easy boost, it is for me. that way i dono't need to chug a shake, then wake up again in an hour too take a piss. it's something small of course, but i'm sure it helps fight muscle loss

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