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  1. #1
    ndmand4u's Avatar
    ndmand4u is offline New Member
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    1st bulking diet needs help

    I am going to start my first cycle in a few months and wanted to get some advice on my bulking diet. I am 25 years old, 5'7" and weigh 170lbs. I have been working out for 4 years now. I am a full time college student and I also work 24 hours per week. This has forced me to workout in the mornings. I would prefer to workout in the evening, but it can not be avoided. I would like to add at least 20lbs by the end of my cycle.
    I will be taking:

    Test e wks 1-10
    Dbol wks 1-4
    pct wks 13 -16

    I have been doing some research on diets and this is what I have put together.

    1st Question is how does that diet look to you? Do I need to add anything or drop some things?

    second question could you please give me some meal choices that you guys use fo Pro/Fat, Pro/Carb, and PPWO meals. I have a few but would like to have a few more options.

    Meal 1 Pro/Carb
    Meal 2 Pro/Fat
    Meal 3Pro/Carb
    Meal 4 Pro/Fat
    Meal 5 Casein Shake

    Monday w/meal examples
    Meal 1 Pro/Fat 5:00am 4 eggs plus ¾ cup of egg whites, 2 slices of cheese in omelet, one slice of wheat toast
    Workout 6:00am
    Meal 2 PWO 7:00am Two scoops of whey w/skim milk and dextrose added
    Meal 3 PPWO 10:00 am 12 oz of Tuna and ½ cup brown rice
    Meal 4 Pro/Fat 1:00 pm Turkey sandwich and full fat mayo
    Meal 5 Pro/Carb 4:00pm Protein bar and piece of wheat bread
    Meal 6 Pro/Fat 7:00 pm Lean ground beef and veggies
    Meal 7 Before Bed 9:30 pm Casein protein shake

    Meal 1 Pro/Fat 7:00am
    Workout 8:00am
    Meal 2 PWO 9:00am
    Meal 3 PPWO 11:00 am
    Meal 4 Pro/Fat 2:30 pm
    Meal 5 Pro/Carb 5:00pm
    Meal 6 Pro/Fat 7:30 pm
    Meal 7 Casein Shake 9:30 pm

    Cardio 6:00 am
    Meal 1 PWO 7:00 am
    Meal 2 Pro/Fat 11:00 am
    Meal 3 Pro/Carb 2:00 pm
    Meal 4 Pro/Fat 4:30 pm
    Meal 5 Pro/Carb 7:30 pm
    Meal 5 Casein Shake 10:00 pm

    Meal 1 Pro/Fat 7:00am
    Workout 8:00am
    Meal 2 PWO 9:00am
    Meal 3 PPWO 11:00 am
    Meal 4 Pro/Fat 2:30 pm
    Meal 5 Pro/Carb 5:00pm
    Meal 6 Pro/Fat 7:30 pm
    Meal 7 Casein Shake 9:30 pm

    Meal 1 Pro/Fat 5:00am
    Workout 6:00am
    Meal 2 PWO 7:00am
    Meal 3 PPWO 10:00 am
    Meal 4 Pro/Fat 1:00 pm
    Meal 5 Pro/Carb 4:00pm
    Meal 6 Pro/Fat 7:00 pm
    Meal 7 Casein Shake 9:30 pm

    Meal 1 Pro/Carb
    Meal 2 Pro/Fat
    Meal 3Pro/Carb
    Meal 4 Pro/Fat
    Meal 5 Casein Shake

  2. #2
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
    TommyTrainR is offline Associate Member
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    It's funny how our stats are pretty similar. I have as few extra pounds on my frame than you, but I bet you'll pull ahead of me by the end of this cycle. As for your diet, it looks solid. I'm not sure how many calories that adds up to off the top of my head, but try to get in 4,000-5,000 calories each and every day. Since you weigh 170, I recommend getting in at least 2g/lb of protein, so that means at least 340 grams of protein daily. It sounds like a lot, but whenever your on cycle, your goal is to grow and by increasing your caloric intake, as well as protein, you'll grow. Chicken, fish, turkey, ham, lean meats, natty PB, eggs, and tuna are great sources of protein. I would throw in about 8 oz. of orange juice for your preworkout meal. I don't know how much energy you have at that time in the morning, but the OJ will help raise your blood sugar and give you a nice little boost. This is just my personal preference, but I also like to throw some V8 into the mix. It's a great source of vitamins and antioxidants. If you would like, maybe throw some of that into one of your later meals. Other than that, just eat, eat, eat and train hard. I'm sure you'll do fine. Good luck.

  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    whole food is way better for slower absorption at night. i eat almonds with cottage chesse or my fav.... Natty Peanut Butter! YES!

  4. #4
    xtinaunasty's Avatar
    xtinaunasty is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    whole food is way better for slower absorption at night. i eat almonds with cottage chesse or my fav.... Natty Peanut Butter! YES! pre-bed meal is something i look fwd to all day! i dont think it will make a huge difference with the gear, but whole food would always be a better pick, IMO.

  5. #5
    ndmand4u's Avatar
    ndmand4u is offline New Member
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    I thought that Casein was supposed to have slow absorpton.

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