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Thread: Need help w/ Bulk/cutting diets!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Brevard NC

    Need help w/ Bulk/cutting diets!!!

    Im new here and need some advice. Im 19 5'8 about 175lbs and 14% bf over the last year i have lost close to 130lbs. I was stupid about the way i dieted and lost it very fast while also losing alot of muscle mass. I now am wanting to just get as big and ripped as possible. I really have no clue about the bulking and cutting diets. As of the past four weeks my diet has been around 3,000cal 40-45% pro 40% carbs and 20% fat im seeing a few increases. mostly chicken oatmeal just the basics i eat really healthy. All im on is just whey and creatine( two weeks on and one off). My workouts of now are 20 min cardio intervals 3x a week and then circuit 3x a week with 4 x 12,10,8,6,12 so it would be upper one day cardio next lower the next then cardio the next and back to upper. Any suggestions on my diet, workouts, and also my biggest problem is extra skin if any of you have any advice on ab workouts that might could help or is surgical removal the only way?? I can see gains in my arms and quads and traps but i feel like my waist and stomach area are bigger??? which is exactley what i dont want!!! How many Lbs should i consider gaining and how much should i loose when cutting? Also how many weeks should i go about each part?? Thanks for any comments and suggestions!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Its hard to say anything before we se the diet layout.

    You could post your entire workout in the workout section aswell to get a good critique.

    As for the loose skin. Only time will fix that. Be patient and it will most likely thighten up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Brevard NC
    meal 1
    mixed fruit

    meal 2
    big 100 bar
    wheat thins

    meal three
    oatmeal w/ whey protein

    meal four 1hr after lifting
    shake and yougurt or shake and big 100 bar

    meal five
    chicken,steak,turkey.... veggies

    meal six
    shake and chicken and yogurt

    Average around 2500 to 3000 cals a day and high 200 to low 300 grams of protein around 250 carbs and 50 to 60 go grams of fat per day!!! Thanks for you help man!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    comments in bold

    Quote Originally Posted by bc350
    meal 1
    mixed fruit

    Ditch the panckakes. Eat oats instead. How many eggs is there in this meal? whole? whites?

    meal 2
    big 100 bar
    wheat thins

    Get rid of the bar and use a shake instead with some flax oil in it. What is wheat thins?

    meal three
    oatmeal w/ whey protein

    good meal

    meal four 1hr after lifting
    shake and yougurt or shake and big 100 bar

    shake and yoghurt is the better option of these 2 but the bar works pwo I guess. but Im no fan of bars

    meal five
    chicken,steak,turkey.... veggies

    good meal

    meal six
    shake and chicken and yogurt

    ditch the yoghurt

    Average around 2500 to 3000 cals a day and high 200 to low 300 grams of protein around 250 carbs and 50 to 60 go grams of fat per day!!! Thanks for you help man!!
    Try those changes at first and se what happens. Your belly should stop growing

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