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Thread: Will my muscles dissapear???????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Will my muscles dissapear???????

    I'll be starting a 2 week cycle of clen next monday with x4 AM cardio sessions per week.Weight training will be 4 times a week (mon,wed,fri&sat)

    Diet wise i will be eating every2.5-3hours

    Currently i have been eating 500gcarbs 200gprotein 40gfat (3160kcal)

    My 6 week cutting plan:-

    First three weeks i will be eating 300gcarbs 300gprotein 60gfat (2940kcal)

    Then for the next 3 weeks i will drop my carbs down to 250gcarbs 300gprotein and 60gfat (2740kcal)

    Eating will be from very clean foods..All fat will be from EFA's
    8-9 hours sleep a night
    4-5 litres of water a day

    I just need to harden up maybe 6 pounds or so, anything in this diet i am doing wrong??
    How does this look like? I wont be using any AAS during this so will i be prone to loosing muscle with just clen on its own???????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    looks like a solid idea.....I would try it for a few weeks and see what your body does, and adjust acordinly. also clen will not eat up muscle....

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