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Thread: Soy Protein?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Manchester, England

    Soy Protein?

    I have read that soy protein increses estrogen levels, I now this is not good but how much realistic impact does it have?

    Whey protien gets absorbed really quickly so through the day I have been having soy protein, would I be better switching to casien protien instead?

    Or should I just put some good fats in the whey shake to slow down digestion?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York
    There is a lot of contrversy surrounding mwhether or not the ingestion of soy protien increses estrogen levels. I have seen some of the research on the subject and find it suspect at best. There was a thread on this very subject several months ago where someone had a link to a site that was quite informative.

    Personally I eat a lot of soy based products, because they are very low in carb. In fact I use soy protien isolate in place of flour when I cook. 1 cup of soy protien isolate has 0 carbs.

    Thus far, I have not suffered gyno as a result, so I suspect that the whole this is a bif Bru Haha (pardon my spelling).

    Further some of the protien drink manufatureres are now combiining soy protien with whey protien, because thier absorbtion rates are different. As a result, the theory is, you will absorb more. The brand that first comes to mind that just reformulated is Designer Protien.

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